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My friend and I enjoy casual bird watching from our canoe, and we're considering investing in binoculars to enhance our experience. We're doing some research online and came across a pair that seems perfect for beginners. We're particularly drawn to their water and fogproof features, which would provide peace of mind on the water. Has anyone had experience with these binoculars? We'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions on whether they're a good purchase.
There are loads of very mediocre binoculars for sale. As an ex- birdwatcher I would suggest that you consider second-hand. Don't go crazy on the magnification either - the higher it is the more depth of field and light you'll lose. You could do worse than visiting an optics shop, explaining your needs and budget. I bought a second-hand pair of Zeiss 8x40, which were fantastic until they were pinched from my bag whilst watching cricket.
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