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Hello from Amman, Jordan

Hello fellow members,

I was watching James Bond Movie Skyfall the other day and the scene where the woman starts shaving for James Bond using a straight razor got me curious about wet shaving. after much research on shaving101.com, youtube.com, badgerandblade.com and the straightrazorplace.com i ended buying all the following items:

Merkur 34C Heavy Duty Safety Razor as a back up razor to my straight razors from westcoastshaving.com
DE Blade Sampler Pack, Standard from westcoastshaving.com
Dovo Ebony Silver Steel 5/8" Carbon Steel Straight Razo
r as my main razor from VintageBladesllc.com
Dovo "Best Quality", 5/8" Carbon Steel Straight Razor - "Black" as my back up razor also from VintageBladesllc.com
Dovo Leather Sheath for two razors to protect my beloved two razors also from VintageBladesllc.com
Vintage Blades Hanging Razor Strop in Chestnut English Bridle Leather and White Linen from vintagebaldesllc.com
Simpson Commodore X2 Best Badger Shaving Brush X2B from westcoastshaving.com
Edwin Jagger Clear Drip Stand, Small
Taylor of Old Bond Street Pre-shave Oil from westcoastshaving.com
Taylor of Old Bond Street Shaving Cream Bowl, Lemon & Lime from westcoastshaving.com
D.R. Harris Arlington Shaving Cream Tube from westcoastshaving.com
Geo F Trumper Spanish Leather Shaving Cream Tub from westcoastshaving.com
RazoRock Alum in Case from westcoastshaving.com
Crabtree and Evelyn Sandalwood Aromatic After Shave Balm 100ml (from Crabtree and Evelyn at a local mall in amman)

I have received my DE set so far and once i receive the rest of the items i will keep you updated of my first experience as a wet shaver using both a DE razor and a straight razor

until next time

$My First Shaving Set.JPG$photo 1.JPG$photo 3.JPG$photo 4.JPG$photo 5.JPG
Welcome to the B&B Forum! This forum probably should have warning label "Can cause razor stuff aquisition disorder!"
Hi mqbain, welcoome to B&B! Nice starter kit you've put together there.:thumbup1:

To answer the question in your other thread, I agree with everyone else--the 34C is a fine razor and you should be able to get great shaves from it, so I suspect that the problem lies in your lack of technique. There are links in my signature to areas of B&B of special interest to beginning shavers--perhaps you might like to have a look at them to help you find the proper blade angle to use.

When you get a chance, please head over to our Hall of Fame and tell us all a bit more about yourself. If you have more questions or run into problems, don't hesitate to post them up. We're a welcoming and friendly group here, and there's always someone around to offer advice or lend a hand.

Enjoy your time here, good luck with your straight shaves, and once again, WELCOME!!
Welcome to B&B. Amman is a beautiful city. You are a lucky man to live in such a fine, old town. My wife is from Ajlun (near Jerash) and I got to visit her parents there many years ago.
Welcome to B&B. Amman is a beautiful city. You are a lucky man to live in such a fine, old town. My wife is from Ajlun (near Jerash) and I got to visit her parents there many years ago.

Awsome, please do let me know the next time you come to Jordan, we can go and teach those barbers how proper wet shaving is done. :)
Welcome! And I agree, Amman is a stunningly beautiful city and would love to head back there again. Jordan was one of those "go for it" destinations that I had a chance to go to when I was stationed in Europe and I'm so glad I did.

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
RNQubain from Amman, ("Jordan Takes You Beyond...Yeah Baby!!!). $view.jpg

Welcome aboard the B & B (besides being enrolled in the fictional, sacred and utopian Order of Shavedom). Please feel free to come up to the promenade / sun deck & 'sit-a-spell'.

Sounds like your off to a great start and (on your way to shaving nirvana and the Zen of Shaving [http://zenhabits.net/the-zen-of-shaving-how-a-double-edge-razor-can-change-your-life/),yes...this Forum has the knowledge, ideas, and all around 'know-how' to assist in your Wet-Shaving experience. In a nut-shell...your 'gonna' love it here.
Since your'e a Str8 Razor shaver ([besides a DE shaver] and hats
off to you...I'm too nervous to try myself
), this Thread entitled
"The Interactive Guide to Straight Razor Shaving"(http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/Inter..._Razor_Shaving) maybe of great interest to you and is very informative (which I'm sure you've already read). :thumbsup:

In my opinon, it's wise and sage advice to get a Razor Blade Sampler (http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthr...pack?highlight), for your DE razor so that you'll see what blade would be a good fit (mild, moderate & aggressive, ect...), for your face and razor(s).

Also, the Thread entitled Wet Shaving Instructions & Tutorials (http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthr...THIS-THREAD%21), maybe of great interest to you and is very informative to include B & B's Interactive ShaveWiki's ( http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/ ).

And please don't forget The 7 P's of Shaving...Prepare, Patience, Pressure, Practice, Persistence, Post shave and Passion (http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/313490-New-Members!-The-6-P-s-of-Shaving).

Although, you may not be additted yet (I think I'm holding up fairly well...with a few exceptions), because we all suffer (gladly and are doomed perhaps), from this shaving complusion (and other Acquisition Disorders), because at times..."Resistance is futile".

"Lead us not into temptation. Just tell us where it is; we'll find it". Sam Levenson
$dead_sea_sunset.jpg ​

“Happiness is the [shaving] brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of your heart”. Mort Walker
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Welcome. You have a lot of quality gear heading your way. Trust me, it gets even better from here. :yesnod:
RNQubain from Amman, ("Jordan Takes You Beyond...Yeah Baby!!!). View attachment 323754

Welcome aboard the B & B (besides being enrolled in the fictional, sacred and utopian Order of Shavedom). Please feel free to come up to the promenade / sun deck & 'sit-a-spell'.

Sounds like your off to a great start and (on your way to shaving nirvana and the Zen of Shaving [http://zenhabits.net/the-zen-of-shaving-how-a-double-edge-razor-can-change-your-life/),yes...this Forum has the knowledge, ideas, and all around 'know-how' to assist in your Wet-Shaving experience. In a nut-shell...your 'gonna' love it here.
Since your'e a Str8 Razor shaver ([besides a DE shaver] and hats
off to you...I'm too nervous to try myself
), this Thread entitled
"The Interactive Guide to Straight Razor Shaving"(http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/Inter..._Razor_Shaving) maybe of great interest to you and is very informative (which I'm sure you've already read). :thumbsup:

In my opinon, it's wise and sage advice to get a Razor Blade Sampler (http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthr...pack?highlight), for your DE razor so that you'll see what blade would be a good fit (mild, moderate & aggressive, ect...), for your face and razor(s).

Also, the Thread entitled Wet Shaving Instructions & Tutorials (http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthr...THIS-THREAD%21), maybe of great interest to you and is very informative to include B & B's Interactive ShaveWiki's ( http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/ ).

And please don't forget The 7 P's of Shaving...Prepare, Patience, Pressure, Practice, Persistence, Post shave and Passion (http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/313490-New-Members!-The-6-P-s-of-Shaving).

Although, you may not be additted yet (I think I'm holding up fairly well...with a few exceptions), because we all suffer (gladly and are doomed perhaps), from this shaving complusion (and other Acquisition Disorders), because at times..."Resistance is futile".

"Lead us not into temptation. Just tell us where it is; we'll find it". Sam Levenson
View attachment 323753 ​

“Happiness is the [shaving] brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of your heart”. Mort Walker

Count, it's awesome what you did above. Thanks for taking the time to do the graphics. Awesome!
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