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Heirlooms from my grandfather

I've just returned home from a trip to visit family over the weekend. During my stay, I stopped over to visit my grandfather. While there, my aunt brought over a handful of items he wanted me to have. One is a very attractive boar brush that's stiff yet not too scritchy (or in other words, perfect). They also gave me his two SuperSpeeds and his old shoe shine box. These are items that I'll truly cherish and also use myself. I've always been envious of other people posting these types of threads. I never thought I'd be posting one myself (but always hoping I could). I couldn't be happier right now and thought you guys would appreciate these.

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Wow, that is awesome! That boar brush looks almost brand new, but you can tell it has some age to it. The flare tip looks like it could use a good cleaning, but in my experience they typically clean up nicely. The shoe shine box is very cool as well. Cherish those items, I wish I had more stuff like this to remember my grandfathers by..... unfortunately I don't. I get other guys grandfather's stuff though :wink2: .

Very cool looking brush, and in beautiful shape too! My Grandfather's Super speed (just like the one on the left) was the first DE I ever used. Real nice shaves from it, I'm sure you'll enjoy yours!
You are very, very fortunate! A great brush and 40's and 50's style Super Speeds! I have a 40 year-old glass bottle of Lilac Vegetal that was my grandfathers. These items are priceless. Use them and remember him while you do.
Thanks, guys. Best of all, he got to see the joy on my face when I got them. I'm so thankful that he was able to be there at the time. He even told me to make sure I have a mug to go with the brush. I told him to not worry - I've got two. :biggrin1:
Very awesome and so glad that you have items that mean so much to you from your Grandfather. My Aunt told me that she has no idea where my Grandfather's shaving stuff (her words) went ... it stung when I heard that.
Priceless heirlooms! I hope you enjoy yours as much as I enjoy mine (A1 Flare Tip like the one in the right side of your pic)
Thats such a great gift. Its really nice to see stuff that has been used, looked after and then past on. Its a great way to remember them. I remember my grandad using a mug and brush but unfortunatly I was too young to inherit these as I didnt need to worry about my whiskers and razor burn.
Thanks for posting pictures its really cool to see what the old boys used.
A good pair of shined shoes sets off any attire. My son could never figure out the importance of shined shoes. When I was younger I took very good care of my shoes and cowboy boots. Now I find myself wearing sandals and tennis shoes but I still love my boots. Congratulations on those things being passed on down to you. David
That's so cool! Enjoy!

i wish that could happen to me , unfortunately both my grandfathers are long gone and my mom thinks she threw away my dad's DE when he passed away since I was into cartridges back then. :sad:

Very cool. :thumbup1:

I have a straight from Dad's Dad and a 3 pc Gillette Old Type from Mom's Dad. No pics as I am at the apartment in TX right now and those razors are at the farm in NC.

But, I do understand the coolness factor. It is, as Tony the Tiger would say, Gerrrrate!! :w00t:

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