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Heading to Nasvhille

So I'm going to be in trial in Nashville for an entire month. Anywhere I should hit up for supplies? The hours will be insane, so a good barber shave might be restorative. Anywhere to go? I'll be downtown.
Opryland Hotel is shut down and will be for months. I-40 to Memphis was still down this morning. Most places were either underwater or out of gas. Vanderbilt Children's Hospital was flooded on the basement and ground floors. One water treatment plant is shut down and they are asking everyone to conserve water.

The Juvinile Court was shutdown today, the records are even under water.

It is a mess,
Wish you the best,
To answer my own question:

There is a nice little old fashioned barbershop called Red's on 4th St.

Lots of Col. Conks (soaps, aftershaves, brushes). Quite a bit of Pinaud. Unfortunately is looks like just the dreaded Casswell shaving cream. They've also got Merkur safety razors and some straights.

They also do a hot towel with a straight razor. It will be my goal to try it before I go home.
So I'm going to be in trial in Nashville for an entire month. Anywhere I should hit up for supplies? The hours will be insane, so a good barber shave might be restorative. Anywhere to go? I'll be downtown.

If you can get to the Belle Meade area, check out Uncle Classic's Barbershop: http://www.uncleclassicbarbershop.com/home.cfm

Belle Meade is very close to downtown, so if you don't have a car you may try a bus or taxi if you want. They sell Truefitt and Art of Shaving, among other things.

There's also Reds, on 4th, which you've already mentioned. I went there when they opened a couple weeks ago and it's pretty good. I picked up some pinaud and col conk while I was there.
Good Luck In Nashville. If you have never been to an area that has been flooded, then you are in for an eye opening experience. I am a union electrician, and was thinking about heading down there for work, but have decided to skip this one, in hopes that i may get work closer to home this time. I spent five months in New Orleans after the storm back in 05 and 06. it was an experience i will not soon forget. As for shaving related stuff, i'm at a loss. I have been to nashville, but did not have time to go exploring. Enjoy your visit.
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