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Headed to Solingen

I'm living about 2 hours from Solingen, Germany and want to make a trip there to checkout all the blades. Anyone ever been there or anything that is a must see?
If you want to visit Wacker, you should call him a few days beforehand. Böker has a shop with fixed opening times. Not sure if you can check out Dovo. I think there is also a museum somewhere in the "blade city"
email revisor to see if he has visitor hours.
and certainly talk to the museum people.
it might just require roaming around to see what's there.
don't know if they do Oktoberfest thing.
have fun and send pictures.
There is a castle called Schloss Burg in Solingen with several shops around it. One of the shops is run by an elderly couple that do badger brushes by hand for very little money. They are very nice people, I actually bought my first badger brush there. Another shop had Puma items on display but wasn't open last time. Most of the shops only open in the afternoon. Don't know if the shop with Puma has razors. Need to check it out again soon since I don't live very far away.
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