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Head shaving with DE. Suggestions?


I've been DE shaving my face for many years. Last year genetics caught up with me and I started shaving what was left of my hair off. I was afraid of the DE when it came to shaving where I couldn't see so I went with a head blade. I have had very good results. The problem is that the silly cartridges cost too much. One of the reasons I started DE shaving was to save money (que the laugh track). So the other day I decided to try my Merkur 38C. I get a great face shave with this razor, but it was lousy on my head. I've got a slant but I'm too chicken.

Any suggestions from the head shavers out there?
I don't know about a good razor for shaving heads, but if the hair on your head is coarser than your on your face, you may need to adjust your prep accordingly.
I suggest a Weishi, its supposed to be the least aggressive razor out there and its cheap too.

I actually have been shaving my head for ten years (using a Gillette Sensor), switched to DE for my face (using this Weishi razor) two weeks ago. I can't cut myself with the thing!

I decided on a whim to shave my head with it, for the first time, even though I had a dull blade and my hair was about a quarter inch long (I usually bring it down if it gets long with clippers and an electric razor). It took time (40min) but what the heck it actually cut it nicely and no blood. Can't wait to try a proper blade this week.
So far the best razor for my head has been my Futur, or an Old Type. I much prefer my Fusion, as it takes a lot longer to get comparable results with a safety razor. I couldn't imagine 40 minutes on my scalp, but at a quarter-inch long, no wonder. That's slow going, especially with a Weak-Shi.
I had a bit of a learning curve when I first started doing my head w/ disposables and it started all over again once I got my first DE.

I always buzz my hair back if I let it go to long. Saves time. Then usually do 2 passes WTG, then 2 ATG w/ some touch up in back by feeling around w/ a lathered off hand so it's slick between swipes.

Go slow at first and it will get better w/ time.

I use a Gillette New most of the time.

Thanks for the advice. Looks like if I really want to dump the cartridges I'll have to work out a technique. I do have a Futur. I think I'll pull it out and start working the adjustment up till I find a setting that works but doesn't bite.
If I didn't do it almost every day I'd use a DE more often. As it stands I don't have time to DE both my head and face every day. Also, I can usually get 20 shaves or so out of 1 Fusion cart, so the bruises I get when I buy them heal up pretty quickly.
I use a 1974 Gillette with Red Personna blades and with three passes, I get a comparable shave to the Fusion. The tricky part is there are a few spots where I have to use a little blade buffing to get everything BBS.

My routine is I do the head right out of the shower, so I lather up and start with a WTG pass, then second pass is ATG, and then a pass XTG and some blade buffing, and I am done. You can cut the time down to about 30min with practice.

After my head, I do Kyle's Prep and do my face. Easier to get a towel on the face then on the head, that is why I do the head first.

I'll be honest, I still have the Fusion in the drawer when I am in a big hurry or I am feeling extremely lazy, but I do not see buying any more cartridges in the future and just having the DE shave as the norm.

Just my long winded $0.02
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