I'm about 1.5 months into DE Shaving, but wet shaving for years...never had razor burn with AOS products.
Since DE Shaving, I've been following my preshave routine to a tee...and trying to find which blade works best for me. I have found Feathers, Astra's and Lab Blues (w/ my EJ89) to be the best 3 soo far. I've read on a number of threads that some gents get a week of daily shaving, but most at least 3 full shaves out of just about every blade. I understand this to be YMMV.
Last Friday, I was in a bit of a hurry...so I shaved without using my AOS oil. It was also the 3rd full shave (head & face) on a Feather blade. Unfortunately, it turned out to be the WORST CASE of razor burn I'd ever acquired! Worse than any cartridge shave. Worse than just about anything I'd ever experienced.
I know many gents say they don't even use oil...and I feel for some reason there have been times in the past that I haven't and didn't recieve this burn.
It would make sense to me that a headshave would dull the blade more as your covering more surface area on a head than a face...so I'm thinking the RB may have been due to a dull blade.
SOOO, my question to those headshavers out there: What's your average life of a blade? Should I just go 2-n-out? What are your thoughts on blades dulling faster with headshaving over face?
Thanks for your input.
Since DE Shaving, I've been following my preshave routine to a tee...and trying to find which blade works best for me. I have found Feathers, Astra's and Lab Blues (w/ my EJ89) to be the best 3 soo far. I've read on a number of threads that some gents get a week of daily shaving, but most at least 3 full shaves out of just about every blade. I understand this to be YMMV.
Last Friday, I was in a bit of a hurry...so I shaved without using my AOS oil. It was also the 3rd full shave (head & face) on a Feather blade. Unfortunately, it turned out to be the WORST CASE of razor burn I'd ever acquired! Worse than any cartridge shave. Worse than just about anything I'd ever experienced.
I know many gents say they don't even use oil...and I feel for some reason there have been times in the past that I haven't and didn't recieve this burn.
It would make sense to me that a headshave would dull the blade more as your covering more surface area on a head than a face...so I'm thinking the RB may have been due to a dull blade.
SOOO, my question to those headshavers out there: What's your average life of a blade? Should I just go 2-n-out? What are your thoughts on blades dulling faster with headshaving over face?
Thanks for your input.