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Head of my EJ89L broke

is there any way to fix it? the stud broke inside the handle, I managed to remove the stud. any quick fixes or replacement heads out there? thanks
From what I've read, I think you may be SOL. This is a somewhat common occurrence and it almost happened to me last week when I dropped mine.
From what I've read, I think you may be SOL. This is a somewhat common occurrence and it almost happened to me last week when I dropped mine.
that sucks, contacted CS from the English Shaving CO, hope they can sell me the replacement head OR maybe give me a discount on the next purchase.
For those of us who own an EJ please give us some details as to HOW it happened so we can avoid - consider it the BB equivalent of jumping on a grenade...
For those of us who own an EJ please give us some details as to HOW it happened so we can avoid - consider it the BB equivalent of jumping on a grenade...

+1 I dropped mine a few weeks ago and had a small heart attack. Worse than the feeling when you drop your phone. I hope you can get your head fixed man or a replacement.
This just happened to me too, I was just putting a new razor in and screwed on the head with no pressure and it snapped. Luckily Amazon shipped out a replacement right away. It has been over a week and Edwin Jagger didn't even respond to my e-mail inquiring about the warranty on the razor. I just purchased a Merkur 37C as a backup just in case it happens again.

is there any way to fix it? the stud broke inside the handle, I managed to remove the stud. any quick fixes or replacement heads out there? thanks
I broke my first Merkur's head by not cleaning the water off the post after each shave. The hard water built up and made the screw brittle.
Oh wow that SUCKS my friend, I got the same razor and LOVE it...it actually forcefully took over my Merkur 34C HD's spot as my fave. I'd be a little depressed if it happened to me, excellent razor. I am unsure of any solution for you, another razor? I couldn't affored it atm, but perhaps you can, if not then well wait I suppose till you can replace it. Bad news, sorry to hear. I have yet to drop any of my razors, spose I am lucky lol
Do zinc alloy razors really need to be pampered like that?

I might have gotten a dud, but I never dropped or dinged it. One day, I was tightening the head and it sheared clear off. Whether or not they actually do need to be pampered, I've made it part of my routine. Having a clean and shiny razor never hurt nobody.
If it were brass or stainless it might do a little better, but it would be more expensive and still might fail under some circumstances. Every material has its strengths and weaknesses.

I have dropped my Mühle R89 twice without visible damage, from 2-3 ft onto a cultured marble counter. A harder fall might do it, or the broken ones might be a material flaw. Contact the retailer, and if they cannot help try contacting EJ directly.
I broke my first Merkur's head by not cleaning the water off the post after each shave. The hard water built up and made the screw brittle.
Limescale does not make the metal brittle. It just clogs up the threads. I use a drop of mineral oil each week to lubricate the threads. It keeps the scale off and lessens the wear on the metal.
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