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Hawkins Cheezies. One of the best snacks around.

Ok, One of the many perks in being Canadian is enjoying Hawkins Cheezies.
Has anyone outside of Canada tried these wonderful snacks?

What about my fellow Canadians? Do you like them?
(I'm snacking on a bag right now)
Oh yeah, the cheeziness is 110%. Yes, 10% over the maximum.
And they are very crunchy. The taste is very different from cheetos.
Its like zesty Doritos are to regular nacho Doritos.
But they don't taste like Doritos.
Ya know I love visiting Canada and hope to see the East Coast (Maritimes I guess). I would love to be able to retire to Vancouver some day. Yet in my time spent in Canada I had never paid attention to the snacks. In my Hawkins research I came across many other snacks I have never seen on Canadian Food import sites. I gotta try the Ketchup Flavored lay's sometimes since I often dip my chip in Ketchup.

The Ketchup chips have a flavour of their own. My wife doesn't like them but I sure do.
Regional snacks are the best. I love going to other cities and seeing what they have. When we go to Duluth or Minneapolis we buy Pearson's Nut Rolls. Those things are addictive.

I just purchased some chips I've never seen before. They are Honey Dijon.
sounds too good not to try.
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Hawkins are the shizznit for sure. Grew up on 'em (not sure if that's a good thing....) :001_tongu

If you look down and can't see your shoes... then no.
I'm kidding of course. I as well eat too many of them.

I urge any and all when they visit the Great White North to pick up a package.
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But... even better than Hawkins are the NoName cheese crisp thingies from Super Store. Every bit as crisp as Hawkins on the outside but with slightly more "give" in the center. And they've got the chemistry balanced perfectly on this one. I can never open a package without eating the entire bag.
But... even better than Hawkins are the NoName cheese crisp thingies from Super Store. Every bit as crisp as Hawkins on the outside but with slightly more "give" in the center. And they've got the chemistry balanced perfectly on this one. I can never open a package without eating the entire bag.

I'll see if I can sneak these into the house past SWMBO.
I'm on a diet :sad:, but I've been cheating. :wink2:
I didn't the SS ones. Too cheap tasting.

Hawkins rock...we have some in our house now from our weekly visit to Costco. :biggrin1:

Old Dutch ketchup chips (and dill pickle) are the best going.

Our snack foods are so much better up here...especially our chocolate.

Edit: Love Hickory Sticks too!
every time I try to splurge on a bag of cheezies I never get a chance to eat more than a couple handfuls before my wife annexes the bag and I never see them again.

can't hide them either because the smell of the cheezie goodness is impossible to disguise.
This thread prompted me to grab a bag of Golden Flake Cheese Curls a couple of days ago (no Hawkins Cheezies available 'round these parts, but they sound great).

Talk about a major disappointment, almost no cheese flavor! Guess I should have gotten the Cheetos.

Chips, etc are my biggest vice. When I make a sandwich snack, you can hardly see my sandwich on the plate because of the huge stack of chips.
Great thread. I'm gonna have to go snack food hunting next time I'm in the great white north, which will be next week!!!!
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