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Having one of those days...

Is anyone else having one of those days, I wanted a nice shave before heading off to work. Broke out my nicest cream GFT limes, worked up some lather, popped in an iridium super blade for its second shave and from the first second the blade touched my face I thought uh oh... something is wrong... but I kept on shaving for a very mediocre 3 pass shave. BAD IDEA, I therw on some T&H Ultimate Comfort ASB and WOW!!!! MY WHOLE FACE, CHEEKS, CHIN, NECK EVEN UPPER LIP ARE ON FIRE!!! :scared:

Not the best start to the day :angry: Any help from you gents would be great.

This is the first time I have ever had such a horrible shave since switching to wet shaving
1. If it feels wrong, stop and identify the problem.

Why is it that you had to pop it in for a second shave? You remove the blade between shaves?
Sorry ya had a bad shave, I can sympathize. Yesterday I saw a 7 Oclock yellow laying on the counter, since I've been stuck on Derbys for about a month I popped it in the 40s SS and... worst shave in about a month. Promptly trashed it! Just give it a day and it will be all good!

1. If it feels wrong, stop and identify the problem.

Why is it that you had to pop it in for a second shave? You remove the blade between shaves?

+1 for best advice and best question. Why did you "pop it in for a second shave?" Maybe you damaged the blade after the first shave.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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+1 to Chris...

It happens sometimes...
My best advice for a BBS or DFS on a good day is to resort to the most basic products you can and you know best--that way you can't screw up.

I've had my "pamper" days with my lotions and potions (preshaves/oils) and things usually take a turn for the worse. If you want to use your bests then don't go in with the mindset of the greatest shave ever. Something is bound to go south that way.
Bad shaves happen to anybody. Just don't let it shake your confidence. Take a day or two off, refocus and give it another go.
Bad shaves are often a result as of carelessness or lazyness. As long as you take your time and care with your shaves, you shouldnt have problems.

However, everyone has one of those shaves where you go "What the?". We have all had those. You just laugh it off and realize that it is still better than multiple blades or even worse, electric.
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