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Have you had your Guinness yet?

I thought I would remind everyone that today you are obliged to have a tall pint of Guinness. If you can't get it from the tap, get it in a can.
I have Guinness on a pretty regular basis, so today I think I'm going to celebrate by taking the day off from it. I've got a 24 oz Rogue Chocolate Stout waiting for me at home, so that's going to be my non-traditional St Patrick's Day right there.

I'll have plenty of Guinness at trivia tomorrow night, and I've been listening to enough Celtic punk today that I doubt anyone can challenge my devotion to the day.
I thought I would remind everyone that today you are obliged to have a tall pint of Guinness. If you can't get it from the tap, get it in a can.

Funny you should ask TJ, I got home today after a 3 day shift to find a sixer of Guinness in the fridge. BTW I have a wonderful wife!! Happy St Patty's to everyone!!
I have been informed by SWMBO that there will be Irish manufactured comestibles present in-house this evening.

Most likely draft cans (with widgets!) of Guinness and Harp, with which to make black n tans using my trusty Guinness black n tan spoon
I wish I had Guinness today. It speaks to my Irish Heritage. Unfortunately I am a broke student and my fiance hates anything you can't see through. So instead we are having Harp tonight. Sad. :censored:
Most of Ireland's inhabitants are here in Cheltenham, England for the week. It's the Cheltenham Gold Cup National Hunt racing festival! It's hell in town tonight...

A Texan walks into a pub in Galway, Ireland and raises his voice to the crowd of drinkers. He shouts, ‘I hear you Irish are a bunch of drinkin’ fools. I’ll give $500 American dollars to anybody in here who can drink 10 pints of Guinness back to back.’

The room is quiet and no one takes of the Texan’s offer.

Murphy gets up and leaves the bar. Thirty minutes later, he shows back up and taps the Texan on the shoulder. Is your bet still good?’ asks Murphy.

The Texan answers, ‘Yes’, and he orders the barman to line up 10 pints of Guinness.

Immediately, Murphy downs all 10 pints of beer, drinking them all back to back. The other pub patrons cheer and the Texan sits down in amazement. The Texan gives the Irishman the $500 and asks, ‘If ya don’t mind me askin’, where did you go for that 30 minutes you were gone?’

Murphy replies, “Oh………………. I had to go to the pub down the street to see if I could do it first.”
I considered Guinness in a can tonight... but it just isn't the same as on tap. There are a few bars nearby that have it, but they're ridiculously crowded. I think I'll stick with Sierra Nevada tonight.

Which is OK. I did have corned beef and cabbage for dinner and will always be 25% Irish. And I was in Dublin last year around this time. :smile: I was pleased to discover that the Irish celebrate St. Patrick's Week instead of merely one day! I'll be sure to get in a pint (or two or three) of Guiness during St. Patrick's Week this year!
You playing, Gareth? (Music, not the hunt...)

I was, in a pub in Gloucester. A little less frantic there.

National Hunt racing isn't hunting by the way, it's horse racing over the fences rather than on the flat. The Cheltenham Gold Cup festival is the biggest in the country and has always been popular with the Irish who come over in droves for the week! It's a great time in town.

Always a profitable week for myself and a few friends as all the pubs want diddly diddly music!

We actually play mostly English tunes. The Irish like the difference, the English don't know the difference!

Might have a Guinness at tonight's gig I think.



"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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I had mine yesterday actually... Cool things to live in the future... :biggrin:
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