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Have I made a rookie mistake?

I just picked up a Shavemac #25 26mm Silver Tip on sale from WCS. I love my Simpson Berkley #46 but figured it's about time to start expanding my collection. I am fan of face lathering and was looking for something that performs well with creams. From what I read here on B&B and various other forums, I was looking for something with a smaller handle and a bulb shaped knot. The Shavemac was on clearance from WCS and seemed to satisfy the requirements.

The brush arrived today and it is gorgeous, but the handle is a bit bigger than what I expected (almost 3 years in and still a newbie). The handle size isn't a huge problem since I have large hands but I'm wondering if something else would better suit my needs. I'm dying to give this thing a spin the morning but it was a bit on the high end for my wallet and I'm wondering if another brush would suit me better.

Thanks mates!
You will get used to anything if you start using it every day. that is a nice brush. You should enjoy it once you get over your buyer's remorse

If you are serious about another brush, Promakeup has a 30% coupon on all Da Vinci brushes (including the shaving brushes). This makes them obscenely reasonable for what they are (under $100 for either of them).


I have had both the 290 and 293 for a while now and they have stayed at a solid #2 position as far as ranking the best brushes I have ever owned.
Shavemacs are nice brushes. You should try it. You may find that you like larger handles, even if most guys prefer small ones for face lathering.
I think you made a fantastic choice. Give it a whirl. I think you'll be vey happy with that brush.
I use my EJ best and EJ silvertip to face lather creams. The EJ is probably my favorite, most versatile brush. It cost about $40 through WCS.
Thanks for the input. In the end, I decided to send the Shavemac back and try out a Whipped Dog brush instead (silvertip with 20mm butterscotch handle). The Shavemac was a beaut, but a bit high for this young law student's wallet. I love my Simpson Berkley 46 but it's about time to add another brush into the rotation.
For face lathering, make sure that WD brush is set deeper than normal.
Larry's Silvertips are wonderfully soft brushes, but at normal loft, tend to be a bit floppy for face lathering.

Best face-latherer that I have is my Simpson Emperor 2-band Super.
It's a bulb shaped knot, which I'm not a bit fan of, but it has plenty of backbone.
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