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Havana Reissue

Does anybody know a retailer in the St. Louis area that carries the Havana reissue. I've called everybody to no avail....

The way I finally got some was to call the 800 number on the Saks web page. Saks internet had none available, but the 800 number person tracked down a local Saks store that did (the actual Saks on 5th Avenue in Manhattan) and they were happy to ship a bottle to me. As of a few day ago, though, that particular Saks was out of Havana.

I assume that if you call the 800 number on-line folks they will try to track down a different store that has it and that store will send it to you. Or maybe a call to Macy's or Nordstrom's might accomplish the same thing. Trying to write emails did nothing for me. I actual got an e-mail back when I wrote Aramis. It bascially told me exaclty what I have said in my e-mail to them, which was pretty annoying.

I put a lot of effort into track in this down, too. I do not know how a scent company can re-issue something with the following that Havana has and then not have any of it available. To force folks that like it turn to Ebay at a big mark up, etc. Of course, nothing Aramis has ever done as to the availablity of Havana has even made sense. I guess they do not really want to sell any of it to the public.
Thank you cstrother for your input. I called SAKS and secured me a bottle.

Thanks again.
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Saks NYC is out, as of 4:50 p.m. CST today. I just got off the phone with a SA and she went and looked on the shelf, and unless they are hiding it, it is gone. IF you find out different, get them to hide a bottle for Sam and tell me via PM and tell the SA I will be calling from Memphis.
Saks NYC is out, as of 4:50 p.m. CST today. I just got off the phone with a SA and she went and looked on the shelf, and unless they are hiding it, it is gone. IF you find out different, get them to hide a bottle for Sam and tell me via PM and tell the SA I will be calling from Memphis.

Like I said in my post: <the 800 number person tracked down a local Saks store that did (the actual Saks on 5th Avenue in Manhattan) . . . . As of a few day ago, though, that particular Saks was out of Havana.><grin>

I wrote that because someone else on B&B had PM's me asking how I manged to get my bottlle and the PM'd back to say he had managed to snag the last bottle of Havana the 5th Avenue Saks had had.

Anyway, I would not call the brick and motar Saks stores directly. Call the 800 number and get them to the leg work for you as to which local store in who knows where has it, and they will patch you through to that store. And then that store, wherever they are, will take care of payment, etc, and will mail it to you. I rarely buy anything at Saks, but I must say it was a wonderful, even luxurious and pampering, experience dealing with them!

Good luck. Report back how it goes. The trouble with boards like this is for every person directly involved in these exchanges you could have 20 people on B&B interested in the same thing. And Google good about picking up B&B postings, so the whole world is your competitor for this stuff by now.

I should have kept the actual info as to how to get in PMs, I guess!
Like I said in my post: <the 800 number person tracked down a local Saks store that did (the actual Saks on 5th Avenue in Manhattan) . . . . As of a few day ago, though, that particular Saks was out of Havana.><grin>

I wrote that because someone else on B&B had PM's me asking how I manged to get my bottlle and the PM'd back to say he had managed to snag the last bottle of Havana the 5th Avenue Saks had had.

Anyway, I would not call the brick and motar Saks stores directly. Call the 800 number and get them to the leg work for you as to which local store in who knows where has it, and they will patch you through to that store. And then that store, wherever they are, will take care of payment, etc, and will mail it to you. I rarely buy anything at Saks, but I must say it was a wonderful, even luxurious and pampering, experience dealing with them!

Good luck. Report back how it goes. The trouble with boards like this is for every person directly involved in these exchanges you could have 20 people on B&B interested in the same thing. And Google good about picking up B&B postings, so the whole world is your competitor for this stuff by now.

I should have kept the actual info as to how to get in PMs, I guess!

Yeah, but posting it for everyone to see was commendable. Besides, give it about a month and all the Macy's, Dillard's, SAKS, etc will be flooded with this stuff. At this point it's about the novelty.
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