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Hate me if you want but I am going back to electric...

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Hi everyone,

At the risk of being shunned by this forum I would like to announce that I am going back to my braun pulsonic. I truly enjoy the wet shave experience with a safety razor and the works, but I am going back for the following two reasons:

Wet shaving is simply not practical for me. With my coarse beard, if I want a resonably close shave I need to spend at least ten minutes on the procedure. And what makes it even more incovenient is the fact that I have to be extremly careful, especially around my chin area which is very contoured. That intensity just does not lend itself when I have to quicly shave every morning to go to the office. With the electric I get rid off everything in 5 minutes at the most without worrying about cuts.

I must honestly say that I do not find the wet shave much closer than my brown. I know some people will find that unfathomable but unless you you shave with the highest end razor there is out there with a skin that is conditioned to electric shaving you will not be able to make the assessment. Again especially around the chin area whre the electric can just work itself around all the curves so well , the shave is actually closer. I am sure if someone who has been predominately wet shaving goes to a top electric will not share that sentiment , but I have been using them for 20 years and therefore my skin has adapted itself.

Having said that I truly do enjoy the wet shave after not having shaved for a few days as a way to pamper myself and i am truly aware that it works for others , just not for me on every day bases. So I won't give it up for good.

The point of sharing my decision with this forum is to present a different side of electric shaving which might have been distorted by the myth that evetyhing related to wet shaving is closer and "better".

As much as we make it out to be more, at the end of the day it is just shaving.

You could always keep your wetshaving kit around for relaxing weekend shaves, no need to completely give it up if you enjoy it.
If you enjoy the process but not the result maybe it's something to be saved for the weekends? Anyway, good luck!


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I do. I hate you. Hate.

:laugh: Just kidding. Whatever floats your boat, man. Personally, it probably takes me ten minutes to do my full shave routine too, and I've been at it for years. I just think it's worth it because I find it all quite enjoyable and the alternative is getting to work a few minutes earlier. No thanks.
...if I want a resonably close shave I need to spend at least ten minutes on the procedure... With the electric I get rid off everything in 5 minutes at the most without worrying about cuts...

If I hit the snooze button one too many times, I occasionally find myself with toothbrush or bagel in one hand and my old electric razor in the other - a usual scene in years past.
But nowadays I normally find pleasure in getting up an extra 5-10 mins earlier, simply for the value I take away from my morning ritual. The reasons best summed up here: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=51152

... Having said that I truly do enjoy the wet shave after not having shaved for a few days as a way to pamper myself and i am truly aware that it works for others , just not for me on every day bases. So I won't give it up for good...

No one here has anything against electrics, cartridges, etc. We have just found that DE/straight razors work better for us. If you find something else that works for you, great. We are just trying to help people get the best shave possible :smile:
I'm sorry that you weren't able to get the enjoyment out of blade shaving that the members here seem to get but if it doesn't work for you then I doubt anyones going to hate you.
Rome wasn't built in a day. You're still in M3 (or in this case Braun) remission. At the very least I think you should reserve wet shaves for the weekend. In time, you're technique will improve to the point that a wet shave will achieve a genuine BBS vice a synthetic (Braun) BBS. Best of luck to you!
Seriously when its time to get quick to shave for a part or something nothing faster than a can of Nivea skin-guard Energy and my Philips-Nivea edition shower razor. I dont use that 10$ bottle you inject in the razor i use the push button can and its really good.

When things get serious to please a woman I take the time to use my Gillette DE razor that my grand-pa owned and take the 20 minutes to shave.
Women take care and prepare themselves real well when its time to meet a new man shes interested into so why not us?
I've see many women pleased to know that I took 20 minutes to shave for them with vintage stuff that real men used in the time where real men were wearing formal suits just to go at a movie theatre and meet a lady.
It's really good shaved , smells good and skin is softer because it really slice the facial hairs instead of tearing it.
I know its more practical with electrical but I still take time to handle an art were other men dont.

Ok in my opinion there was not so long ago a bunch of teenage-whores who tought that acting like sluts and guys acting like pimp will make them cool...but you see the return of balance here in Quebec where women realise the value of a real man !

I dont have kids yet but keep shaving like real men not only for you, for the women..but also for the boys whos gonna grow faster than you expected.
Because a boywho takes time to shave for himself but for the woman he loves is a boy that learn in his subconscious how to take time for its woman.

:crying: Oh my god...that beautiful what I just wrote i think im gonna cry :lol:


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
If that works better for you that's all right! Good Luck! :thumbup1:


This reminds me of the rare time when one of the Harley Davidson riders I might chat with (in a forum such as this one) may go out and trade in his Harley for a Jap bike like a Gold Wing or something. He always feels the need to appologize to everyone in the forum which opens up the door to others being critical of his decision and choice. There's a "passion" there that seems to set off a nerve with some people who then turn around and disown that poor guy. It doesn't happen often mind you but I've seen it happen.

I think it's a natural thing to want to come here and "fess up" about your plans or actions, especially if you are making a big change or leaving the group. But in this case, you needn't leave the group nor appologize for anything. You're still going to shave right? Stick around, enjoy the forums and "don't sweat the small stuff" is what I suggest. I don't think anyone here will wish you ill-will because you are quitting the razor (for now.) I mean, it's not like you traded in your Harley for a Jap bike now, is it?

Good luck with your shave, how ever you choose to accomplish it.
Just remember, "it's all good!" :thumbup1:
I used to shave with one of the classic Brauns. I understand about the training your beard part.

The electric razors got tedious for me when I started having to replace foils and blades. The cost started to add up some, plus the retailers did not keep the classic foils on the shelf, just the ones for newest, whiz-bang, more expensive models with blinking lights, and self-cleaners.

You won't get any hate here.
Use whatever is your preference. I had a Braun electric and it was quite functional so I can appreciate the utility of an electric shaver.
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