Hi everyone,
At the risk of being shunned by this forum I would like to announce that I am going back to my braun pulsonic. I truly enjoy the wet shave experience with a safety razor and the works, but I am going back for the following two reasons:
Wet shaving is simply not practical for me. With my coarse beard, if I want a resonably close shave I need to spend at least ten minutes on the procedure. And what makes it even more incovenient is the fact that I have to be extremly careful, especially around my chin area which is very contoured. That intensity just does not lend itself when I have to quicly shave every morning to go to the office. With the electric I get rid off everything in 5 minutes at the most without worrying about cuts.
I must honestly say that I do not find the wet shave much closer than my brown. I know some people will find that unfathomable but unless you you shave with the highest end razor there is out there with a skin that is conditioned to electric shaving you will not be able to make the assessment. Again especially around the chin area whre the electric can just work itself around all the curves so well , the shave is actually closer. I am sure if someone who has been predominately wet shaving goes to a top electric will not share that sentiment , but I have been using them for 20 years and therefore my skin has adapted itself.
Having said that I truly do enjoy the wet shave after not having shaved for a few days as a way to pamper myself and i am truly aware that it works for others , just not for me on every day bases. So I won't give it up for good.
The point of sharing my decision with this forum is to present a different side of electric shaving which might have been distorted by the myth that evetyhing related to wet shaving is closer and "better".
At the risk of being shunned by this forum I would like to announce that I am going back to my braun pulsonic. I truly enjoy the wet shave experience with a safety razor and the works, but I am going back for the following two reasons:
Wet shaving is simply not practical for me. With my coarse beard, if I want a resonably close shave I need to spend at least ten minutes on the procedure. And what makes it even more incovenient is the fact that I have to be extremly careful, especially around my chin area which is very contoured. That intensity just does not lend itself when I have to quicly shave every morning to go to the office. With the electric I get rid off everything in 5 minutes at the most without worrying about cuts.
I must honestly say that I do not find the wet shave much closer than my brown. I know some people will find that unfathomable but unless you you shave with the highest end razor there is out there with a skin that is conditioned to electric shaving you will not be able to make the assessment. Again especially around the chin area whre the electric can just work itself around all the curves so well , the shave is actually closer. I am sure if someone who has been predominately wet shaving goes to a top electric will not share that sentiment , but I have been using them for 20 years and therefore my skin has adapted itself.
Having said that I truly do enjoy the wet shave after not having shaved for a few days as a way to pamper myself and i am truly aware that it works for others , just not for me on every day bases. So I won't give it up for good.
The point of sharing my decision with this forum is to present a different side of electric shaving which might have been distorted by the myth that evetyhing related to wet shaving is closer and "better".