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Has your SBAD been this BAD?

I have purchased 7 brushes in the last 6 weeks. No, I do not have an abundance of discretionary income.

It started when I bought a Duke 2 in best. It is an absolutely incredible brush that showed me how less can be more in the brush world. I cannot think of another brush (or razor for that matter) that gave me that "wow, how'd I miss this" feeling. I went nutso trying to establish, according to my tastes, the boundaries of smallness that separate OK from "too small." Apparently, the line for me is between Classic 2 (great) and Classic 1 (too small).

It has been very interesting, and costly, but I have acquired a large number of excellent "go to" brushes in this past several weeks:

1] Duke 2 in best
2] Classic 1 in best (will be on B/S/T)
3] Classic 2 in best
4] Chubby 1 2-band [close to the size cut-off]
5] Rudy Vey - 22mm Finest XH at about 46-48mm loft in mesquite handle [Outstanding RV product]. The closest in feel to the Duke 2.
6] Thater 4125/2 in 2-band - 26mm knot bloomed into something the size of a small portobello mushroom -but the tips are soooo soft.
7] Shavemac 24mm D0-2-band set at 46mm [have not received it yet].

This is in addition to 4 other go to's I already had that I'm too tired to mention; what the heck;

8] Chubby 2 2-band
9] Duke 3 2-band
10] 58 in best
11] TGN 24mm Finest XH about 50mm loft.

P.S. Especially newbies, please keep your eye out next week on B/S/T, where I will be offering several, still excellent USED brushes at very good prices.
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I don't feel like I am far behind you, given my short time here. I've been really serious about wetshaving for about 2 months. My minor obsession with brushes is about 6 weeks old. My first serious brush was a Thäter 4125/0. I was surprised with how small it was in person, but in practice it is a GREAT brush for me. Since then I have been experimenting with various sizes and hair types. Operating under the cover of "trying to find what I like," I have acquired some great brushes. So I guess I am opposite from you since I started small, but you are not alone.
A gret line up. Apart from the Duke two in best the rest are just too out of price range for this old fart. I'm keeping my eye on the BST though.
My SBAD started in December last year. Since then, my brush purchases have averaged 1 brush per week so far. More or less, the AD has settled down though. I only want a couple of more brushes to try/own.

It's been great fun with these ADs - started with razors and blades first for about 5 months; soaps/creams - 6 months; but the brushes were the worst - almost a year, and they were the most expensive of all shaving stuff related. I got worried about my sanity when I ended up having about 50 razors and hundreds of blades after the first 4 months on the forum. But it settled down all of a sudden the way it started. So, I didn't worry about my subsequent excessive acquisitions anymore because I knew they were temporary. Once I was positive about what I liked, I lost the interest to collect more.

The bruhses were the worst case of AD because there're so many variables to consider and compare that it's hard to make my mind what my preferences were. They are very different, provide unique experiences, and there are quite a few with different characteristics that work well for my tastes. On top of that, my preferences evolved. They've changed during the year. I'm sure I could be perfectly happy with a couple of brushes the way I did for many years in the past, but I didn't want to miss the fun.
My ADs have varied between razors, straights, brushes, colognes, etc. Most of those have passed, but the brush one seems to keep hanging around. I've whittled down the collection to about 10 brushes, but the call of trying a different one never really goes away. That being said, my wife prefers the AD to stay with brushes and away from colognes as that one tends to get very expensive very quickly.
I find that I cycle through the ADs. Razors now, brushes later, soaps and aftershaves work their way in somewhere...
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