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has this ever happened to you? And with a Straight?

Aw come on, before I switched to straights I was using some Norrelco Electric...
Edit: Not trying to show off my pen, but my penmanship, y'all not only enabled my shaving, but now I am trying to learn to write again. Thanks to the nib.
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B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
I get hairs stuck in my fingers from time to time too. It's usually about a 1/16" long and embedded at least half way into the skin.
I asked because it has happened to me several times, over the years, and it happened again today, even though I had not been using that electric thing. Had to get my wifey to remove it...
I have had a whisker or two stick into my finger. Back when I had a goatee and trimmed it with an electric, the cut ends of those whiskers were like barbs. I always seemed to find them when my only option for removal was cutting it out with my pocket knife. Luckily I never did that.
I've had that happen, but not after shaving and certainly not with an electric razor. I hate those damn electric razors. They may be faster than manually tweezing my facial hair, but other than that they offer no other advantages. When I had a set of chops that went down to my collarbones (I don't care, I loved them :D ) I'd sometimes run my fingers through them to straighten them, get out snarls and what have you. On occasion I'd end up with a bit stuck into my finger I'd have to pull out with tweezers.
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