Beautiful nickel-plated brass razors turned into cheap bright plastic toy-like objects, real shaving cream was replaced on most retail shelves by goo and gel that leaves faces scraped and smarting, affordable and elegant blades turned into costly, comical burn-inducing cartridges, MEM products were watered-down by Dana, Aqua Velva got put into plastic bottles, Old Spice got reformulated.
On the up side, the internet gives the info and ability to find & buy the good products that are still out there. And something must be better, since I never end up with little squares of toilet paper all over my face and neck like Dad sometimes did!
On the up side, the internet gives the info and ability to find & buy the good products that are still out there. And something must be better, since I never end up with little squares of toilet paper all over my face and neck like Dad sometimes did!