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Has anybody bought from here?

I haven't heard of that site till now.

Royal Shave carries them, and has a 10% discount I believe, with free shipping.

There are a couple other sources as well. Those prices look good, but they don't have all the models in stock and who knows how much shipping is, etc etc
If I go on it WOT gives me a warning. Saying that people who visited the site rated is as untrustworthy, unreliable, and unsafe. WOT is normally right, so... might be good to avoid.
Here are a couple of others besides RoyalShave.com
I have my eye on a couple myself.

I've been looking at this ERN, but I'm kind of lerry buying overseas from a company I nerver heard of.
What Wacker razor do you have you eye on?
I'm liking this one.

From: http://www.rasoirsabre.kingeshop.com


From: Royal Shave:
I like the 7/8 up sizes and they all are appealing. When I get closer to having the funds secured I will land on one. There may be something new released by the time I decide. The ones that have my interest though are not from the the original site in question but I have looked over their inventory frequently. Perhaps some people will chime in who have dealt with them.
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