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Happy Flag Day!

I have a telescoping flagpole the wife got for me when I was in Iraq, and I generally fly the flag every day, and add the Marine Corps Colors on special days.

I have been wondering what it would cost to get a 3'x5' flag made up with King Camp Gillette's image on it, or maype the likeness of a 40's SuperSpeed.

Or, better yet, the Badger and Blade Logo....:w00t:

That might be the move that prompts the wife to send me to counseling.
Great post reminder Jim. I just returned from the town green myself. Each year the "Retired Flag" burning ceremony is held and each year I go it gets bigger and bigger.

Today is also the 234 birthday of the US Army!

Being a Marine, I stand and salute the Army on this day!
The wife and I finally got around to installing a flag pole on our house. Our neighborhood is very "flag conscious" and it was very nice to see all of the flags waving in the breeze yesterday! :smile:
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