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Halo Reach - Anyone else playing it?

Been really enjoying Halo Reach for the XBox360. I've already completed the game on heroic difficulty and am slowly working my way through legendary. All the online extras and different game types are really appealing, and of course the entire Halo series showcases some incredible gameplay mechanics. Are any of you fellows hooked on the Halo, too?

Here's my gamertag if anyone's interested in playing online with another gentlemanly gamer (no rude actions, trashtalking, or intentional backstabbing): "Kapu Kai"
I've been putting in usually at least an hour a night, mostly on multiplayer. Already beat it on normal and started working on Heroic, I'd rather just play Team Slayer though.

I set my psych profile to just play in quiet, non competitive games though.
Im planning on playing Halo Reach and black ops but had to get new internet that wasnt 1.5mb DSL. Im on Xbox live also so add me or Ill add you when I get home from work.

Gamertag: Chevine
I got it and have been playing it when I have time (which I don't have a lot of lately) but its really fun so far.
I just finished mission 4 on legendary yesterday. I'm loving the game play so far but I liked the story from the original trilogy better.
I've played it, finished it on legendary by myself, ranked up to Lt. Colonel gr.1, and got my JFO helmet, then I got bored of it. Right now I'm playing Gran Turismo 5
Solo legendary was a fun challenge :thumbup1: The Halo guys just dropped some DLC maps, so there's a bit of extra goodness to be had. Unfortunately I'll not be playing any for a few weeks until my finals are ended. Will be sure to look you guys up when I'm back on and maybe we can Big Team Battle the dreaded red and/or blue team.
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