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Hairs falling out

I have a decent rooney silver tip. It seems that lately quite a bit of hairs are falling out. Is this normal? It is about 3 years old and is the only brush I use (daily).
Define "quite a few hairs falling out." Are they full length hairs or are they broken hairs from mashing the brush down into the soap or bowl during lathering? Are you losing one or two at a time or are you losing dozens at a time? How often does the brush lose hair?
How long has this been happening? For the past month? Week?

Three years of daily use sounds like a lot of use but I would think that the brush has several years of life left. I think it's time to get at least one more brush so you can have a rotation.
I will check on how many are falling out...i will look to see the length...i think that it is losing hair just about every day now.
It would not be normal if the brush was used in a rotation. I don't know if that's normal under these circumstances.
Whenever I see these threads about losing hair, I always think, "If only my head would lose as few hairs as my brushes do!"
Well, it does appear that the hairs are short...I must be mashing the brush a bit to much on the soap. There are usually about 5 hairs per day. Also, it sounds as if I need to be rotating brushes. So if I buy another one, should it be 1 week for each, or how would you rotate?
Well, it does appear that the hairs are short...I must be mashing the brush a bit to much on the soap. There are usually about 5 hairs per day. Also, it sounds as if I need to be rotating brushes. So if I buy another one, should it be 1 week for each, or how would you rotate?

If the hairs which are being released by your brush are short (ie broken off) you may have been a little too rough with the knot. I would suggest that you take a little more care and not press so hard on your soap or in your bowl in future and see if the hair continues to break.

When someone speaks about rotating brushes, the goal is often to allow a brush to dry completely between uses. With a dense brush like your Rooney, that can require more than 24 hours. Using 2 brushes on alternate days can allow them both to dry completely between uses.
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