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Hair Crisis!

I fell asleep at a party last night, and my mate decided to do this to my hair.

I really don't know what to do, I have a job interview in 3 days.


I'm just imagining myself bald, and it wouldn't really suit me, if I went to a barbers would they be able to do something?

First, rather than holding a grudge I would suggest getting even. Second, tell the story at the interview, it beats wearing a hat. It might ease the usual tension and formality and demonstrate your openness and honesty. If this does not appeal to you, cut it all off and try bald for a while. Good luck and please post your interview story.
Well at least it wasn't an eyebrow...

Sorry to say I don't think you have much choice than to shave it close all over. At the interview you can either 'fess up that you've got a lame-*** friend who owes you your body weight in beer, or try and blag a story such as an accident painting and you spilt some on your hair. (I'd just go with the truth.)
Shave it all close. Looks like a #3. A barber will be able to match it. Heck a decent barber would be able to fade the sides from a .5# to a 3 on top and make it look really sharp.

Do this and then "own it". Dress sharp for your interview and be well prepared mentally. Go in confident, feeling like a winner, and you'll be perceived as one. Lots of guys wear "buzz cuts". I would not make it a topic of discussion during the interview. They won't care. Just MHO.


I got moves like Jagger
Glue a little man pushing a mower to it and say it was your little girl's class project. :lol:

But really, buzz cut time it is.

I don't mean to insult anyone who wears a weave, but Bahahahaha! I don't think there's any weave that can save that.

I agree with the consensus here: get to a barber and get the whole thing buzzed. You may not think the look suits you, but ask yourself this: does your current 'do suit you? It will always grow back. And who knows...you might actually like it.

Oh, and you owe your friend a king-size nutshot.
I recommend going to the Barber, too. A well executed very short hair cut is not so unusual. As for telling your story to your future employer... not so much. As an employer I would be wondering with what kind of people you are hanging out and if I could trust you, even if you are the victim of your "friend's" prank.

Good luck with the interview!
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Do this and then "own it". Dress sharp for your interview and be well prepared mentally. Go in confident, feeling like a winner, and you'll be perceived as one. Lots of guys wear "buzz cuts". I would not make it a topic of discussion during the interview. They won't care. Just MHO.

Then go beat the snot out of your "mate." Any friend that does that knowing you have an interview in three days (at least I'm assuming he knows) deserves to have a boot in his backside.
Agree wholeheartedly with trim everything to that length or shave your head, and for an interview I'd have a barber do it.

If they know that your hair is much longer and ask why it is much shorter, I would simply answer, "I decided to trim/shave it off" and leave it at that. I wouldn't bring up that a friend took advantage of you while you slept. You want to present your best authentic self at an interview, and I can't think of a way where that story will reflect well on you.

If your "friend" knowingly did this before an interview, I wonder what kind of friend they really are. If this was a one-time spur-of-the-moment thing (alcohol related or not) and they didn't know (or possibly forgot about the interview), that's one thing. If they have a pattern of disrespecting you in this and other ways, or if they knew that you had a job interview coming up (which makes me wonder if this is a not-so-subtle attempt at sabotaging you), I'd get another friend. Your choice of employment/career/calling and your choice of a partner/friends are some of the most important choices you will ever make, and will have a profound impact upon your health, happiness, and future. I wouldn't willingly associate with people who undermine and disrespect others. Another litmus test - how does your friend treat other people to whom he feels superior or that he doesn't want anything from? Food for thought.
Do this and then "own it". Dress sharp for your interview and be well prepared mentally. Go in confident, feeling like a winner, and you'll be perceived as one. Lots of guys wear "buzz cuts". I would not make it a topic of discussion during the interview. They won't care. Just MHO.

This is the answer. I am currently interviewing candidates for a position in my department. I would not really be interested in a story about how your friend shaved an swath in your hair. Get it cut in the fade. 1/2 on the sides up to a 3 or whatever it is on the top. Be confident and own the look. Don't say anything about it....if you want the job.
Probably one of the most interesting first posts I've seen. Welcome to B&B and good luck with the interview.
Welcome to the forum. Have a barber buzz it or go to the skin and have him shave your head. After all, it is for an interview so I would not do it yourself unless you are rather skilled.

P.S. Reevaluate your companions.
This is your first post on B&B? I can't wait until you get to know us better (and we you). Good luck at the interview.

PS Get some new friends, too.

PPS Try to stay "awake" at the next party.
Do this and then "own it". Dress sharp for your interview and be well prepared mentally. Go in confident, feeling like a winner, and you'll be perceived as one. Lots of guys wear "buzz cuts". I would not make it a topic of discussion during the interview. They won't care. Just MHO.
I agree with the suggestion of going to a barber and have them either fade it or take it down even all over. Guys of all ages at my office wear their hair short. No need whatsoever to bring it up in the interview.
I've been in my current job for about 3 months and I had closely cropped hair for the interview. Nothing wrong with neat and tidy. Like everyone is saying, go see a barber, get your hair done right and wear it well. It'll will grow back before long and it won't be an issue.
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