I will be cutting my own hair again after letting it grow out for the last 5 years. And it grows fast so I will need a set of clippers that will last but not send me to the poor house buying them. That said does anyone have any recommendations?
Do you know the model of the Wahl that you use?I have the Wahl home kit for like 30 bucks. Very solid with lots of attachments, even tho I just use the bare blade. I think I got it at Rite Aid.
I personally use an oster classic 76. It's a bit pricey on initial purchase, but it's built like a tank. It's durable and lasts forever. I bought it sometime in high school eight years ago to give myself buzz cuts in the summertime, and it's still running like new.
Also it runs on some kind of motor system instead of the magnetic ones found in most clippers these days.
Braxis, not to hijack your thread but I too had a clipper question.
Does anybody happen to know of a good set of manual clippers or where to get them?
Also +1 on the whal kit. My mother has had a set that she has used to cut my dads hair for at least seven or eight years now.
Or you two should start a new thread and we can both get the info we need.I'm also going to hijack the already hijacked post! I'm curious about manual mechanical hair clippers, how do they perform? Can they be used for trimming other parts of the body like the chest or underarms?
Chalk up another one for the Wahl Kit from Walmart! I just bought one last week after getting my first-ever crew cut and deciding it can't be too hard to "do-it-myself"!! It seems like a great deal, nice quality and a lot of depth attachments and a nice case to boot! Buy it!