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Hadron collider

My friend's brother is a physicist and he's been there several times. I dig it, the world needs more science for science's sake, or for understanding's sake if you would.
I've been following their Twitter feed and watching their webinars about the work they're doing and the implications of their findings. It's quite enthralling to see ideas being put into action. I'm excited to see what is going to get accomplished with the LHC.
I think the LHC is great.

But I'm still bitter about the cancellation of the Superconducting Supercollider. It would have been bigger and it would have been finished years before the LHC. Not to get too political, but projects like that are what the government should be using tax dollars for.
I think the LHC is great.

But I'm still bitter about the cancellation of the Superconducting Supercollider. It would have been bigger and it would have been finished years before the LHC. Not to get too political, but projects like that are what the government should be using tax dollars for.

+1 on the SSC.
We discuss the LHC every once in a while on a science board I moderate. One of my fellow moderators has hinted that the Higgs Bosun has been detected and measured. Exciting stuff.
the world needs more science for science's sake, or for understanding's sake if you would.

this got me thinking. would science really benefit mankind in the long run? I keep thinking of the curing of diseases like cancer. despite mankind's seemingly altruistic motives behind a cure, would it really benefit the human race? the thought of overpopulation and finite resources come to mind and living in a world where poverty and hunger are so commonplace doesn't seem to balance things out. just a thought.
what an assortment of opinions....I agree with most of them...I really am hoping to see a discovery that will alter many old theories and change our thinking.....a parallel universe would be great ! wormhole travel ?? who knows?
But I'm still bitter about the cancellation of the Superconducting Supercollider. It would have been bigger and it would have been finished years before the LHC. Not to get too political, but projects like that are what the government should be using tax dollars for.

And they did use tax dollars for it. Anyone know what the hole in the ground is being used for now? A friend of mine used to work on that project.
this got me thinking. would science really benefit mankind in the long run? I keep thinking of the curing of diseases like cancer. despite mankind's seemingly altruistic motives behind a cure, would it really benefit the human race? the thought of overpopulation and finite resources come to mind and living in a world where poverty and hunger are so commonplace doesn't seem to balance things out. just a thought.

here is the depressing view of life:

Malthusian Checks. Basically, a check against a population that has reached a critical mass. These checks are natural phenomena that serve to damage the population in an effort to reduce their numbers, in order for the good of the planet or the population. For example, the bubonic plague was a check against the european world because there were too many people living too close together, without enough sanitation. The plagues the ancient people faced could be considered under this heading, as could various other illness that begin in densely populated, low sanitation areas, like the spanish flu, or some of the more recent illnesses that have originated in the poor, slum areas of places like China, India etc.

With the state of the world an it's population today, we are looking at greater, more damaging checks. For example, climate change is a result of too many people causing too much pollution. Check the population and the pollution goes down, which means we don't pollute enough to kill everyone.

Starvation would be the ultimate of these checks. As a population grows to the point of starvation, some must die for the rest to survive, or everyone starves to death.

Also, see in animals the predator check, which we don't have. If you have a population of animals like deer or rabbits, which does not have enough predators, the populaiton can become so large that food becomes scarce, and the entire poulation suffers weakness and illness from lack of food. If there is a good population of wolves in the same area, they kill enough of the deers or rabbits to make sure that the surviving prey has enough food for the entire population to eat and be strong and healthy.

When one looks at it in this light then you could argue that these advances could be bad for the human population. If for example, a certain disease is cured which claims a good amount of the population, then food could become scarce and the entire population suffers. the trick here would be for science to stay ahead of the population checks. For example, if we cure cancer, aids, heart disease etc, we better have a plan in place for living space and food for a population that is much larger and going to grow much faster then it is now, as the death rate drops.

This issue can be seen now in that people now in developed countries are living longer then they were 50 years ago, and thus people are having to work longer to support themselves which makes jobs scarce, and there are a whole bunch of other issues resulting from this that some places are scrambling to deal with, like the baby boomer group that is about to retire and will need care as they get older.
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