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Guarino straight razor

If I could get some blades Ill post a review! :)

I bought a vintage guarino recently and am trying to figure out what blades to use in it.

Here's a picture off the web:

Compared to a Dovo shavette it looks like their black cartridge would be similar in length, but I really dont know and It's hard trying to figure this out by looking at pics on the internet. (which is as close as I can get to blades, shavettes and stuff...)

Anyone with info and/or help?
If I could get some blades Ill post a review! :)

I bought a vintage guarino recently and am trying to figure out what blades to use in it.

Compared to a Dovo shavette it looks like their black cartridge would be similar in length, but I really dont know and It's hard trying to figure this out by looking at pics on the internet. (which is as close as I can get to blades, shavettes and stuff...)

Anyone with info and/or help?

Those look pretty similar to the blades that the hair shapers take. I'd try some of those and see if they work.
So I got a tall blade from a hairdresser and it's not the "right" one.

New pics of the lack of perfect fit:


Any and all tips or ideas are welcome! :D
Is that the blade you got or hte blade that came with it?

I didnt get any blades with the "razor".
The blade in the pictures is a 62mm long double-edge blade that I got from a hairdresser and snapped in half.

It's way to short to be wedged in between the "points" (whats the opposite of divots?) on the "bladeholder".

I gotta email Personna customer service, or similar, and ask. Maybe they know. :)
I didnt get any blades with the "razor".
The blade in the pictures is a 62mm long double-edge blade that I got from a hairdresser and snapped in half.

I thought that looked like half a DE blade. I meant blades similar to these. They sell them at beauty supply stores.

That looks like it could work!

"beauty supply stores"

Well, there's a first time for everything... :D

Thanx for the help DrColossus11!

to be continued...
I just picked one of these razors up as well. I has an old blade I it and a I was wondering if the recommended Personnas worked or not.

Pjgh, do you think the Personna shaper blade would fit? I've got some extras of you want to try one. They're quite sharp!
I had hoped, but it's going to be miles too short - the shaper comes in at about 60mm and this blade is well over 70mm. If there's enough "purchase" in the razor plates, I may be able to trap a de-spined shaper blade in there when mine arrives ... otherwise keep an eye open for some proper blades, which I gather can be honed and stropped.

Thank you for the offer - I have a good few shaper blades myself for my good collection of Wecks and Weck-alikes.

It might be possible to fashion a frame for a de-spined shaper blade out of an old credit card, or similar. I'll have to see what sort of gap is available when mine arrives.

Handsome looking razor, that's for sure ...
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