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Gremlins - A Ding in my Grelot

Haven't shaved with my Grelot in over a year. It's a fave piece but I've been test honing a lot for a long time, and I do that on pick-up razors mostly.
Anyway - I decide to use it tonight, I wipe off the oil - carefully - and rinse it off, again - carefully.
While stropping on linen - I hear something that's not quite right.
In fact - it sounds very very wrong.
I look, and the edge has a weirdness near the heel.
I loupe - and there's a folded section of the edge near there - not really a ding, more like the edge got too thin, and just bent over.
Not quite like a wire edge, or a foiled edge - but sorta. Not real deep into the bevel, but deep enough where it's not a small issue.

Not happy. Not happy at all. Damn gremlins or whatever caused this. Really pissed me off.

The Shiroto was out already, so I got to it on Botan, for 3 full sessions, The ding or whatever was gone at this point - and the bevel was reset.
BTW - Grelots are made of some hard-*** steel.
After that - I skipped Tenjou (wasn't needed) and went to Mejiro followed by Koma.
I chose to finish with a mystery Nakayama Tomo. Good stuff - slurry has a bit of brown-ness to it. Feels perfect on every stone.
I honed to mud then diluted for each Nagura. 2-3 dilutions for each.

No water laps - might give it a few later later or tomorrow, but I'm not feelin' it right now.
Besides, to be honest, I really don't think it needs any. Im pretty sure I nailed this one on Tomo Slurry.

I'm no longer tweaked - honing is sorta zen-inducing for me.
The edge is sparkling and the edge is screaming sharp and no doubt quite smooth.

I'm going to shave now.
Gremlins be damned.
Lol - sublime.
This razor has a unique personality.
It's a 1/2 hollow, and it feels heavier than it should; very stiff. Like a small wedge.
The edge was super smooth, so it was disarming in a way.
Kind of like a squegee wiping whiskers off; not so much like cutting them off.
yep it sucks when stuff like that happens i put a very small ding in my TI frameback the other day on the last few laps on the coti i was not happy.
straight ont he lino.
Lol - sublime.
This razor has a unique personality.
It's a 1/2 hollow, and it feels heavier than it should; very stiff. Like a small wedge.

I'm always keeping my eye out for half hollow razors. I'm not a big fan of my W&B full wedge (going to sell it actually), and while I prefer full hollows in my mind I keep thinking that half hollows would be perfect for me. Hopefully some day.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Gremlins? Sounds like a case of "di-a-bo-lick-al sab-oh-tay-jee".

Gamma he knows you are a rock rubber

Nothing particularly wrong with being a rock rubber. If that's your "lifestyle choice", well then, so be it.

The issue arises when SOMEONE decides to cast aspersions upon the glories of lapping films.
Sabotage - nah, why choose the cheapest blade in the box for sabotage?
Had to be a Gremlin.
Such a humanitarian, you deserve a Nobel prize for your efforts in ridding the forum of so much dangerous and/or useless gear.
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