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Greeting friends and acquaintances girlfriends.

How do you greet your male friends girlfriends and how do you greet your male acquaintances girlfriends? I don't mean girlfriends as just friends but girlfriends as in a relationship with a male.

Me I greet my male friends girlfriends with a kiss on the cheek, however my male acquaintances girlfriends I greet with a handshake.

Don't know about you guys but I was always uncomfortable with my male acquaintances greeting my girlfriends with a kiss on the cheek but my male friends kissing my girlfriends I don't have any issues.

Or how about kissing the hand? Do you still do it?

Is this ok or should people always greet peoples girlfriends with a kiss no matter who they are?

What do you think is appropriate?
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Hmmm...well, a polite peck to one cheek is acceptable in many cultures and I, personally, would have no issue with it. Perhaps, though, it's a personal thing and to be avoided if you are not comfortable with it.
If one of my friends kisses my lady on the cheek we're going to have a problem. A hug is ok, but I personally don't see a reason for any sort of kissing. I wouldn't feel right doing it, either.
If one of my friends kisses my lady on the cheek we're going to have a problem. A hug is ok, but I personally don't see a reason for any sort of kissing. I wouldn't feel right doing it, either.

When I say friend, I mean someone I know well.

Funny thing Kratos I'm the other way around, I prefer my friends greet my girl with a kiss on the cheek while holding her hand than a close hug.
Truth be told, I greet the girlfriends of my friends with a firm handshake. I think the huggy-kissy stuff is a bit much for the first time meeting. That can come, but only with time.
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It depends on the woman. Some of my friends' ladies are all about a full on hug. Others and wave or a handshake. I generally let the lady define the nature of the greeting.
I'm a handshake guy. This varies greatly depending on where you are in the world, though. Which begs the question: where are you?
Truth be told, I greet my the girlfriends of my friends with a firm handshake. I think the huggy-kissy stuff is a bit much for the first time meeting. That can come, but only with time.

I never give a lady or girl a firm handshake? A light/soft handshake for me.

I understand their are variables with cultures/religion etc. I'm just talking in general about the majority.

Aussie btw gruder.
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I greet my friend's girlfriends with a cautionary peek through the blinds and a suspicious "what time is he supposed to get off work?" as she is pouring me some Cutty Sark.
If one of my friends kisses my lady on the cheek we're going to have a problem. A hug is ok, but I personally don't see a reason for any sort of kissing. I wouldn't feel right doing it, either.

Plus the kiss is just a distraction. It's like magic--you've got to keep your eyes on the hands. If one of my buds tries to throw an affectionate greeting down on my wife, I'm going to be in there like Big John McCarthy.
It depends on if they are huggy-kissy people. I am flexible and will do whatever the other person is comfortable with. If meeting for the very first time, I go for a handshake.
If one of my friends kisses my lady on the cheek we're going to have a problem. A hug is ok, but I personally don't see a reason for any sort of kissing. I wouldn't feel right doing it, either.

I guess you wouldn't be able to hang with South Americans.
The ladies get a kiss on the cheek (sometimes is more of a kiss the air) with them kissing you as well. The guys get a handshake or a slap-on-the-back hug. Very warm people.


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I usually don't push the kiss on the cheek greeting. I tend to keep it more formal as a hand shake or just a hello and start a conversation. I will do the kiss on the cheek only if the girlfriend will lean to do it.
Pay attention to the womans demeanor and go from there. You should be able to tell if she is a huggy a kissy or a hand-shaker. You should also know your friend and how he thinks, so as not to offend him.
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