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Great Razor Haul - Part Two

A while ago, I posted this thread about being able to get my hands on my dad's , grandfather's and great-grandfather's old razors.

I finally made it down to Houston to visit the folks, and got hold of the razors. Mom was excited that I wanted some of that old family stuff that she's hung onto for so long, and was doubly excited that I actually want to use them. My dad thought it was a little weird, but pointed out his razors.

I know there's a couple of Gillette Super speeds- one all-metal, and one (Dad's) is the black plastic handled late 60's model. There are, as best I can tell, a Gillete slim adjustable and a Gillette Fat boy adjustable, and what I believe is another Super speed, but I don't know what year or anything.

Finally, there are a couple of Gem Micromatics- one that twists open (clog-pruf?) and one that just has a tab on the back to pop it open.

Here's a picture (that's my Merkur 33c in the upper right for comparison)

That looks like a tremendous haul. And in much better condition than some of the DE's I find in the antique store in my area :mad:

Glad to see a fellow user of the classic 33c :biggrin:
FWIW... I used the Fat Boy this morning set on 5. Those old timers were onto something; it was one of the best shaves yet!
Wow, what a haul!! A fatboy, and a slim?? 3 Superspeeds! You are set for life!!

Based upon that photo, the Gems appear to be a Micromatic Clogpruf, and a G-Bar. Find yourself some S.E. blades, and give those a go as soon as possible. I have had some of the best shaves to date from a Gem.

The first one I bought on a whim at a local antiques store for a mere $3.00. I figured I might as well give it a whirl.

I like it so much, that I acquired 3 more Gems, for a total of 4: Micromatic Clogpruf, Micromatic Open Comb, Featherweight, and a 1912.
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