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Granpa's old beat up Gillette 3 peice.

so after getting back into wet shaving again. after a few years of dry. i remembered that in the closet buried under ages of stuff was an old DE of my granpa's. so i dug it out and cleaned it up. i found it was a 3 piece Gillette. no markings or dates aside from "made in canada" and "Gillette"

oh and if pics are to big just say and i can size em down to 17'' size.




with flash if it makes it easier to see.

so what do you guys do you guys think of the beat up Gillette.
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it dose well but would most likely be a lot better once i get the tecnique down. i need to become more consistent with lathering.. but yea i got some derby's and feather's coming soon. currently using WS as you can see in the pics (only thing i could find locally.)
Yep, great shaver alright and since it belonged to your Grandpa it's extra special.

if the date you said in the other thread is right then this has a possibility of being my great grand fathers/uncle/whatever's razor also. which will make it even more special.
no thank you. and with better blades and lather it will get even better no doubt.
I have the exact same razor but made in England that was my first razor about 45 years ago, given to me by my mother - it wasn't new but have no idea where it came from.
nope not gona re plate it. since its my granpa's that and the scratches make it unique. it shaves fine as it is
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