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Grammar Girl Fans

Anyone follow the podcast "Grammar Girl--Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing"?

I really like it, although I admit I do not listen to it every week. Manages to stay fairly "advanced," but still interesting and listenable.

Are there any other shows/podcasts out there on writing, grammar, and similar that are like this one? The few I have listened to seem very dry and boring, and often too elementary. But there must be other ones that are not.

I find this stuff endlessly fascinating.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I done seen the whole thing, and I'm gonna do it one more again.
Well done, Ouch. How did I not see that coming! I guess I was too preoccupied with proofing my posting!


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Your anaclitic proclivity for sesquipedalianisms and euphemistic lexical arcana is ineluctably concomitant with the frangibility of the journalistic id.

Better? :tongue_sm
Be careful - as we've seen, posting about proofing posts may cause posters to go postal. :out:

Oh man, if you think *that* was postal you should be careful where you tread in this internet. :001_tongu

I saw an article a week or two ago discussing a potential PTSD epidemic among folks hired to filter posts on corporate websites.
Until I get enough saved for a Chicago Manual of Style, she's my girl. Oh, and apropos of nothing:

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