Anyone follow the podcast "Grammar Girl--Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing"?
I really like it, although I admit I do not listen to it every week. Manages to stay fairly "advanced," but still interesting and listenable.
Are there any other shows/podcasts out there on writing, grammar, and similar that are like this one? The few I have listened to seem very dry and boring, and often too elementary. But there must be other ones that are not.
I find this stuff endlessly fascinating.
I really like it, although I admit I do not listen to it every week. Manages to stay fairly "advanced," but still interesting and listenable.
Are there any other shows/podcasts out there on writing, grammar, and similar that are like this one? The few I have listened to seem very dry and boring, and often too elementary. But there must be other ones that are not.
I find this stuff endlessly fascinating.