Thanks everyone. A little bit of work does wonders on these old razors.
CGW409, It was listed as "Vintage Gillette Double Edge Razor". I was curious, so I looked and I knew it was one of the no date code Super Speeds. I got it for $7.99 + $2.00 shipping. I think it was a good deal. Thanks for the information on when it was produced. I'm very happy with how it cleaned up. I'll take some better pictures and post them.
I see it was another of the dealers that seem to think sending a "hot" razor with the well used blade increases the value.
Looks to be a early 1950 SS as the top of the handle is visible in the shaft hole but is flush (slight ridge would mean later 1950).
From what I've been able to determine the PKG vs PACKAGE is not an accurate demarcation of age as I've seen both interspersed in 1950 SS razors regardless of the flush vs ridge spotting feature.
You should be very happy with that SS,I've got one and it's a great razor.
BTW how much did it set you back?
Thanks everyone. A little bit of work does wonders on these old razors.
CGW409, It was listed as "Vintage Gillette Double Edge Razor". I was curious, so I looked and I knew it was one of the no date code Super Speeds. I got it for $7.99 + $2.00 shipping. I think it was a good deal. Thanks for the information on when it was produced. I'm very happy with how it cleaned up. I'll take some better pictures and post them.
MAAS or Simichrome will work nicely to bring out some more shine . . . but stay away from automotive polishes or Brasso, which are too harsh for the nickel plating.
"Good"? You sir, are a master of understatement.
Great razor and it certainly cleaned up nicely.