I've wanted to treat myself to a really good pair of boots for a while. I have come to realize that many shoe stores just don't sell high quality stuff anymore. Instead they stock whatever is trendy...and the vast majority of that trendy stuff is imported from China. Even a lot of companies who used to only make stuff in the US have moved much of their labor overseas. For example, Timberland used to make great stuff until they realized they could pay a fraction of the cost to have someone in China make a boot that looks the same as what used to be made here and still charge the same price. Then they end up falling apart after just a few months. I have been there. I was on a mission to find a great American-made boot that would last me for years. I narrowed my search down to two boots...the Chippewa Apache lacer boot and the Red Wing Heritage 8146 boot. I tried both and was happy with the fit of both of them although I did notice the quality of the Red Wing 8146 seemed to be far better. The materials on both were top-notch...but the craftsmanship of the Red Wings just blew me away. I did purchase the Chippewas from Amazon and learned of the possibility that they could have been factory seconds but I cannot verify that. Anyway I ended up getting the Red Wings. I have to admit the moc toe also appealed to me a bit more. Despite the higher price tag I am very pleased with them and can't wait to see how they age as they are worn more and more. I attached a picture of the boots for everyone's viewing pleasure.