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Got Fat?

My Mitchell's showed up today(take that Sandy). Just in time to my VDH just ran out. Is it odd the I may want to try to lather some up before I head to bed? Do have one problem it doesn't fit in my sop container (re-purposed AoS cream container) like the VDH did. I have read that i can grate it a and repack it. I was looking for a youtube video to see it happen. I am a little nervous about trying to do that.


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i should be pliable enough to mash into a container without grating, using a bit of that military muscle

but if you must grate, it won't do any harm to it.

MWF is very nice and you are not odd for wanting to lather it up...that's the 1st thing i do with all my new soaps/creams before i use them, so i know what i'm in for.
So i took the ol Swiss army knife to it and shaved down the edges to make it fit better. Then squished that sucker down let's see how that works. I can get the lid on it now.
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