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Good soap for hard water

Hello All. I have hard water and was wondering if anybody has had success with any particular soap using hard water. I know some people use a jug of softer water to shave when they have hard water, but I don't see myself doing that. I am primarily a face latherer. Any input helps. Thanks guys.
Hi Sig.

I find that the cure for any soap in my hard water is to load like it's going out of style!

1.5 - 2 minutes has proven effective for any of my 30+ soaps. Well water in the deep southern US if that helps.
I find that the cure for any soap in my hard water is to load like it's going out of style!

Same with my well water. Hard soaps seem to lather best. Harris and Ogallala work particularly good for me, but that may just be me. I completely cover my soaps with hot water for a couple of minutes, pour if off, then about 200 (or more) swirls to load. Every 20-40 swirls, I'll dribble some water on the puck with my fingers. I also find a thinner, drier lather provides better protection, which is good because I'm not going to get thick volumes of lather anyway. If the lather starts to thin out too much, I'll do a few more swirls on the soap between passes. Best to have too much than not enough.
I don't think any one soap is going to perform better in hard water. They key,as mentioned before, is to load alot more product. I've used both glycerin and tallow based soaps and that one rule works for me.
Hi Sig.

I find that the cure for any soap in my hard water is to load like it's going out of style!

1.5 - 2 minutes has proven effective for any of my 30+ soaps. Well water in the deep southern US if that helps.


This is what I've done, 1.5 - 2 mins, only caveat is a croap, or really soft soap, then it's only about a minute.
Distilled water is very cheap, less than $1 per gallon. I just keep it in a spray bottle and add it as needed. I start with a pretty dry brush and add the distilled as I lather, but I do use hot tap water to prep my face and to heat the bowl.
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