What is a good starter blend for a newbie to just geting started on pipe smoking?
assuming you live in the us, no reason not to get started with one of the american over the counter classics such as cater hall, price albert, or sir walter raleigh. They should be readily available at your local rite aid, or walgreens for very little coin.
What have you selected for your first pipe?
Not to be contrary, but I don't agree with the OTC recommendations. They are the reason I ever stopped smoking a pipe in the first place. A nice sweet but natural Virginia is my recommendation. Sterling Tobacco has a REALLY great Virginia and Perique, but lots of other places have them too. Some drugstore blends are acceptable, but there is much better out there.
I have yet to try Carter Hall, Prince Albert, or Sir Walter Raleigh, but they do have the reputation of being a step up in quality from other OTC options. Although, I do somewhat agree with you that there are much better cheap and readily available (if you have a computer) options than even those three.
Totally agree, start with a light Virginia or VAPER and a Latakia-light oriental or English. Drugstore blends aren't my thing, but I'll smoke CH or PA every great once in a while when I'm in the mood...Not to be contrary, but I don't agree with the OTC recommendations. They are the reason I ever stopped smoking a pipe in the first place. A nice sweet but natural Virginia is my recommendation. Sterling Tobacco has a REALLY great Virginia and Perique, but lots of other places have them too. Some drugstore blends are acceptable, but there is much better out there.
I wouldn't argue that Cater Hall, or Prince Albert are the best tobaccos on the market. But they are locally available for very little coin, and many pipe smokers have smoked them; they are also fairly well respected. That means it is easy to give the new smoker advice, as you understand what they are working with; rather than trying to guess if they are instead working with some unknown house labeled blend.
Pick up a locally available corn cob pipe (Walgreens, and Rite Aid both sell Legends for around $5.) and you can get started in this hobby for a little over $10.
If you decide you dislike pipe smoking, you are not out a lot of investment.
If you destroy your first corn cob pipe, as you learn, no great loss.
Wouldn't you much rather have a newbie cut their teeth on a cheap corncob pipe, rather than destroying a nice Peterson?
I haven't had this yet, but regular Frog Mortom and SG Squadron Leader are excellent choices.Can't go to far wrong with Frog Morton's cellar