anyone know of a good forum with a good community focused on exercise, perhaps weight training in particular?
Weight training, as in strength training? Used to be that the Old School Strength board was it. Dave Draper's forums are pretty good (Dan John even has a sub-forum) and for Olympic lifting I like the forums on Catalyst Athletics. The signal to noise ratio on both of these is pretty high,and most of the people that post are very knowledgeable. RossTraining? while I have never read the forum, Ross is an outstanding guy.
Also: For nutrition, check Robb Wolf, Michael Eades, and Loren Cordain. They all have great blogs.
I'm not sure that that is it. The old forum was hosted on EZ board, now Yuku. The link that comes up now is:where is the old school strength board? is this it?
I check or once week for the articles. Not a fan of the forums (edit: not a knock on anyone who is). -- you have to register and the posters are ...unique. I'll leave it at that. However, the links and articles make the trip worthwhile.
edit: Haven't been by in a long time, but is pretty good. They had great forum on home-made weightlifting equipment.
i lurked at lyle's forum and those guys are freaking hilarious! lots of interesting characters. i registered at bb forum and regretted it as the community there is not very gentlemenly lol. in my lurking i discovered mark rippetoe and 'starting strength'. im gunna be keeping a workout journal here thou, not on bb or anywhere with a bunch of trolls lol
Mark's forum seems to be populated with 18 YO knuckleheads and Mark. He does have some other good stuff up; He did an interview with John Wellborn that was pretty gunna be keeping a workout journal here thou, not on bb or anywhere with a bunch of trolls lol
Gains, in terms of size? If you are trying to put on mass/build strength too much cardio can be counterproductive. But if by "looking good" you mean less then 10% body fat, you will have to diet, or control sugar/carb intake. Most all of it comes down to diet, stubblefield, u seem pretty knowledgeable yourself! im lurking on those fitness boards but i dont feel an irresistible urge to post LOL, ill just ask YOU questions you think im doing too much cardio that may limit my gains? my main goal is to look good sans clothinglol
You won't find a more complete resource than Stay out of the "Misc" and you won't have any issues with behavior. I personally like the Misc, but it is what it is.
The problem with exercising and nutrition is that everyone has an opinion. While everyone's body will react slightly differently, nutrition is a science just like any other; surplus equals weight gain, deficit equals weight loss. If you want to gain mass find your BMR and eat above it along with weight training and if you want to lose fat find your BMR and eat below it.
While I agree nutrition is a science, if you just eat more than you are supposed to, you are just going to get heavier because you are fatter. If you wanna gain muscle and gain weight, you need to lift heavy and eat good sources of protein.