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Good deal or not

It looks to be in great shape. As far as price, there's three ways to figure price. I paid $115 for a TV bracket las week that my wife found online later for $15. But, I needed it then. The TV was going to be mounted the next day. So the 3 factors that affect the price are need, want, and pleasure. You probably didn't need it, but you wanted it, and it will give you pleasure. So the price was fine.
Off course you guys are right just wanted to make sure my RAD was still within limits of sanity! Thanks for the reply
Best way to judge price on the Bay is research "completed listings" on the type of item you're bidding on. In some cases the prices will be all over the place, but you can usually get a sense of average price.
It looks to be in great shape. As far as price, there's three ways to figure price. I paid $115 for a TV bracket las week that my wife found online later for $15. But, I needed it then. The TV was going to be mounted the next day. So the 3 factors that affect the price are need, want, and pleasure. You probably didn't need it, but you wanted it, and it will give you pleasure. So the price was fine.

If you wanted it for your collection, then you have to consider how often you find this less common variant.
If you wanted it strictly for shaving purposes, then a regular krona could probably have been purchased and shipped to you (i am guessing you are overseas somewhere), for probably 20-25.
You bought it because you like it, So it was a good price enjoy, Also you bought it from a good seller Really Nice guy, Dont be surprised if you get some extra free gifts from this seller ;o)
It's a bit up towards the pricey end for a Schick Krona - but it looks like it's in exceptionally good condition. You got a very nice example there.
It's a bit up towards the pricey end for a Schick Krona - but it looks like it's in exceptionally good condition. You got a very nice example there.

Its technically not a Schick Krona lol, read my posts

Edit: Here is AsylumGuido's explanation

Very nice! That should clean up well. Yes, it is of sorts a "Krona". The Schick Krona received its name because it was marketed with the Schick Krona and Krona-Chrome blades. Yours is an Eversharp who has owned Schick since 1945. The name Schick had become so popular in the United States that Eversharp never successfully migrated from its use even though it tried several times. That leads me to guess that yours was marketed outside of the US, but it is unmistakably still the classic metal Krona in all appearance beyond the Eversharp stamp and the eagle end tip.
You bought it because you like it, So it was a good price enjoy, Also you bought it from a good seller Really Nice guy, Dont be surprised if you get some extra free gifts from this seller ;o)

You are right, I did! Hope it will shave as good as it looks!! Oh and I am a sucker for goodies.... Makes me think of christmas every time....
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