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Gold Dollars almost below the 3 dollar mark

Good golly, Gold Dollars are cheap, and the least I've seen to this point has been about 3.40 / free shipping.
There's a link to $3.06 / free shipping each.

I just bought three at the 3.50 level and feel hosed ;)
Oh nice. My Uncle wanted a straight, so one is coming to me. Thanks! I always forget about these if I don't see a Seraphim thread.
I just got into DE shaving. Now, seeing this, I was absolutely forced to buy 5 of the Gold Dollars to tinker with. I had no choice.
Gold Dollars are absolutely the best way to get into making your own scales. You end up with a nice, big blade, and if you put some time into making your own scales you will have a very nice straight razor. The Gold Dollar logo even wipes off the blade with "Goo Off".
So are you guys making straight razor style letter openers with these gold dollars, or just practicing making scales for future, quality straight razors?
So are you guys making straight razor style letter openers with these gold dollars, or just practicing making scales for future, quality straight razors?

Do you have any personal experience for your remarks? Or are you just honing your thinking process for when you have actual quality experience? :)

I shave with mine. It shaves as well as any straight razor I have. Why would it not? This is not "junk" metal. Quality isn't a price tag or a pretty case or being made in a country where the people look more like you :)
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So are you guys making straight razor style letter openers with these gold dollars, or just practicing making scales for future, quality straight razors?
Even in the auction description it says "Blade material: high quality steel" :lol:

Seriously though, some of the guys here do amazing things with these cheapos and they apparently shave quite well and hold an edge.
I finally contacted them, and they said "It was lost." so they will refund me. Hasn't happened yet, but maybe some day I will get my $3 back.
EBay sellers will Jack the prices up when they go out of stock, to avoid the extra sellers fees of relisting an item. It's most likely that they didn't change the price soon enough and were stuck with orders they couldn't fulfill
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