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Gold & Butcher

I was able to save a pair of old Wade and Butcher scales after grinding out a lot of chips and some worm holes so I took a Gold Dollar and made an attempt at making a Gold & Butcher razor for the scales. I like it a lot but shaving with it is going to take a lot of practice.

I have never used a curved blade before, there is less edge touching my face and I find that disconcerting.
Love the style, before reading through the whole text I was sure it was a razor restored from the 1800s. The simplicity of it makes it that much better. Must have taken quite something to grind away?
I actually a very similar thing here on my bench - it was supposed to be part of a honing pass-around that never got off the ground.
It's a W&B in GD scales, your spin is better looking though.
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