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Gold Ball Tech my dad found.



At least thats what i think it is, a little gold plate loss at the sides of the head, but otherwise all the plating is still there.

Sadly after cleaning it with hot water and dawn, as i was drying it off, the laquer coating started flaking off :(

oh well, we will see how it shaves today.
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You're right--it is a gold ball-end Tech. They're great little shavers--not aggressive at all, but with a little work I can get a BBS with no chance of nicking myself. I've been revisiting my Tech lately.
That's a great shaver - I have one just like it.

If you want, you can use a chemical stripper to remove the rest of the old lacquer. Clean it up nicely with denatured alcohol, then you can relacquer it. If you don't feel comfortable doing it, you could probably get a painting shop or furniture restorer to relacquer it. But if you DIY, it'll probably cost under $10.
Nice find.

Was it your father's razor back in the day, or did he find it at a second hand shop?

My dad never used a double edge safety razor in his life and things i'm crazy for using one. He buys those 3 blade plastic disposable razors and uses them for a month at a time, maybe longer.

He found this razor at an estate auction/sale. Honestly if there was gold plating missing from the edges of the head, i would have thought that the razor was never used, it was that clean and shiny.

MORE INFO ABOUT RE-LACQUERING PLEASE!!! Info on what i need, how to do it, and other tips would be appreciated!!!
funny, my dad has the same attitude! but I've got three techs and they are one of my favourites. I accidentally took all the coating off my aluminium version one by boiling it with sodium bicarbonate. Still shaves fine though.
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