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Give me your top 3 razor blades to use.

I am in the progress of buying a late 40's Gillette Superspeed and I am just curious on what I should try out with it.
I've had good luck with Gillette 7 o'clock blacks in my Superspeeds, and Astra SP's aren't bad either. I haven't tried much beyond those two, but that's my 2¢.
Of what I've tried, I only have top two. feather and Wilkinson sword. Hopefully I will find more, guess it's time to order a new sampler.
I'm a rookie at this, but so far my three favorite are, in descending order of preference:

Personna Platinum Chrome
Gillette Silver Blue
Astra Superior Platinum

I have a fair number of blades I still need to test yet though, so it's very likely the above list will change.
Well the threadstarter didn't specify current production or vintage so here's mine: Personna 74, Gillette Super Stainless the Spoiler and Schick Platinum Plus.

Current production : Shark SC, Blue Birds and Asco blades.
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