I have been DE shaving for a couple of years now. I purchased some DR Harris Arlington soap when I first started. I never could make a good lather from it. I have been using creams for the past two years. I decided to re-visit the soap again yesterday. I read through the shave wiki and gathered as much info as I could there. Then I attempted my first shave with soap in a long time. I followed the instructions in the wiki on how to make lather with soap. I have the arlington soap in the wooden bowl. I started by putting about a teaspoon of water on top of the soap. I soaked my brush while in the shower. I squeezed excess water out of my brush which was a shavemac D-01 2-band 24mm x 48mm. I then began loading my brush. Swirls and plunger motions, even on the sides. I then added about a teaspoon of water to my bowl and began lathering. I made ALOT of lather with no air bubbles in it. It looked like good lather but, When I began applying it to my face it just seems to dry out too quick. It is not a slick as a cream either. I thought I could solve this by adding more water but it still wouldn't build up much on the face. I would need to put lather on the face and then go back to the bowl and get more lather. By the time I was satisfied with the way it looked, some parts on my face had dried out. So, I added more water. This time it became a bit runny with air bubbles in it. I just wasn't very happy with it. I never could get it to be as slick as arlington cream. The razor just didn't glide like with a cream. It wanted to skip along. You guys who use creams and soaps, would you say you use more water to make lather with a soap versus a cream or vice versa. I just cant get the hang of this stuff. Any pointers would be great.
I have been DE shaving for a couple of years now. I purchased some DR Harris Arlington soap when I first started. I never could make a good lather from it. I have been using creams for the past two years. I decided to re-visit the soap again yesterday. I read through the shave wiki and gathered as much info as I could there. Then I attempted my first shave with soap in a long time. I followed the instructions in the wiki on how to make lather with soap. I have the arlington soap in the wooden bowl. I started by putting about a teaspoon of water on top of the soap. I soaked my brush while in the shower. I squeezed excess water out of my brush which was a shavemac D-01 2-band 24mm x 48mm. I then began loading my brush. Swirls and plunger motions, even on the sides. I then added about a teaspoon of water to my bowl and began lathering. I made ALOT of lather with no air bubbles in it. It looked like good lather but, When I began applying it to my face it just seems to dry out too quick. It is not a slick as a cream either. I thought I could solve this by adding more water but it still wouldn't build up much on the face. I would need to put lather on the face and then go back to the bowl and get more lather. By the time I was satisfied with the way it looked, some parts on my face had dried out. So, I added more water. This time it became a bit runny with air bubbles in it. I just wasn't very happy with it. I never could get it to be as slick as arlington cream. The razor just didn't glide like with a cream. It wanted to skip along. You guys who use creams and soaps, would you say you use more water to make lather with a soap versus a cream or vice versa. I just cant get the hang of this stuff. Any pointers would be great.