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Gillette toggle in Rhodium?

I love the vintage Gillette razors both for daily use and collect ability. I'm going to be getting a Gillette toggle (gold). If I send it out to get revamped but have it plated in Rhodium rather than gold, would I be ruining its collectability?
If I were you, I wouldn't get it 'revamped' by the company that calls it 'revamped'. Razor Emporium is banned here for a reason. There are plenty other members with fantastic reputation that will do a better job for less money. Also, you're guaranteed to get your razor back! Razor Emporium has a habit of sending people wrong razors, and selling the one you sent them.
The toggle I bought so I can send off to have it redone in rhodium, was too perfect, and in gold. I really don't like gold, but it's in too good of shape to have redone. I guess that's good, but I don't really want to use it as a daily shaver either, like I would have, if I would have had it redone in rhodium.

Oh well.
I think if you're interested in collectability, you should not get it replated, period.
If you want it to use and look at it, do what you think looks best.

I'm not a collector, I could be wrong. I just read too much.
If you are concerned about it's collectability then you should replate it in it's original metal, IMHO. I don't collect so if it's my razor I would prefer Rhodium.
Bah Humbug! Get er done! Also if your in doubt then get two. Rhodium is beautiful in the morning.


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Gold or Rhodium, a Toggle will sell for big money.

Personally, I don't like 'Gold Coloured' razors (or watches etc) so I always tend to go for Silver, Rhodium or Bright Nickel for my own razors. In fact, I've also Rhodium plated Gold Cuff Links that I've acquired too :)

If I had a 'Gold' razor that was in pristine condition, I'd sell it and get a lesser one and replate that in Rhodium - but that's just my personal taste.
Great information! If the Razor Revamp place is not recommended, where do you recommend sending a razor for plating?
The Toggle will not lose value, it is one of those razors that has collective value for its looks more than anything else. I seen broken and defective toggles sold for more than $120 dollars. I would not replate a rare complete set chrome/nickel Toggle set due to its rareness and collective value, but all the other Toggles will still retain hi value even if replated.
I like to compare car with razors.

Here's Ford Model T 1927 in it's original condition. Market value 18,000


Here's a Fort Model T 1927 HotRod aka The Drissi. Market value 35,000


The word value is something very subjective, it's determined by who is there and what is he ready to pay.
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