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Gillette tip color guide question

I did a search but to no avail. I wanted to get info on the meaning of the different tip color. I understand that each color signifies a level of blade aggression but what color corresponds to each level. Any information is appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Blue designates the least aggressive, black would be a standard head, and red is the most aggressive.
Jerry, thanks for the information. I have a red tip but I think is too aggressive for me. Again thanks for your help.

Do the colour tips just mean an increase in blade exposure, or does the blade angle/ head geometry change as well?
DoubleE said:
Blue designates the least aggressive, black would be a standard head, and red is the most aggressive.

Btw, just to clarify, the standard head often is plain, unpainted metal like the rest of the razor. Supposedly it also comes in tan, but that seems pretty uncommon.
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