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Gillette Silver Blue vs. Polsilvers

Up until now my favorite blades have been Astra SP/SS (basically my go-to blade, cheap and effective), Gillette 7 o'clock Yellows (I figure these are about as good as the Astra, a tiny step up but not worth the price jump), and Perma-Sharps.

I find that I need a sharper-end blade (just rough whiskers), but I have to at least give up some sharpness to get a smooth blade because my neck is very sensitive. Shaving with a cheap blade (or expensive and harsh blade) reminds me of cartridge razors. I guess everything is YMMV and my issue is probably needing a sharp but very smooth blade.

I just found both the PolSilver and the Gillette Silver Blue to both be very smooth yet also very sharp (I'm thinking PolSilvers might be a tad sharper, but I haven't tested enough).
I've only used them each for a few shaves, so I was wondering if people had a favorite between the two. I just seemed to love them both, yet not be able to tell the difference. I've been avoiding expensive blades, just not wanting to spend as much money on the blades as some other people do, but after trying these two I may need to reconsider. They definitely are a large step up in smoothness from the Astra.

P.S. I left out SI's because I've only tried PolSilvers. I honestly don't know the difference, but I thought most people seemed to act like they were either the same or very close to it.
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I have been testing blades recently as I am running out of my supply of Swedes. I have a small supply of vintage blades on hand before I make a larger blade purchase of currently produced blades.

PolSilver and Gillette Silver Blue are both very sharp, smooth blades and as stated excellent blades. I don't think you would make a mistake with either purchase. That being said you might want to try Personna Labs and Gillette 7 O'Clock Super Platinum (Blacks) before you make a purchase if you haven't tried them already. Both blades are widely considered very smooth and sharp and available at a reasonable cost. These blades may be desirable for you as you are prone to neck irritation.

I am not usually prone to neck irritation but found that the Gillette 7 O'Clock Yellows were very sharp but gave some neck irritation as do Feathers. In the final analysis it all comes down to finding the sharpest most efficient blade that doesn't provide irritation for you at a reasonable price. It's a personal preference.
I have two hundred of both. I'll not compromise this small pleasure of a smooth, irritation free shave. The personna blue is also another great blade. A trifecta if you will of great blades.
I've tried the Personna, thought these were a notch above though.

There are 2 Gillette Blacks, I have to figure out which one of the 2 I've tried even.
I really like the Silver Blues, but if I have read right, they are not being made any more. Several members turned me on to Ladas and Voskhod blades from Russia, which I find almost as good as the Silver Blues (with Gillette Bleue Extra being my ultimate blade).
I really like the Silver Blues, but if I have read right, they are not being made any more. Several members turned me on to Ladas and Voskhod blades from Russia, which I find almost as good as the Silver Blues (with Gillette Bleue Extra being my ultimate blade).

Are there a few types of Ladas? If I remember correctly I tried one and did not quite like it much at all....
Voshkods are smooth, but I guess once you try better it's just tough to go back.
Both fall into the superior blade category imo. In my experience, I find the silver blues to outlast the polsilvers. Other than that, I thought they could have been the same blade as far as sharpness and the wow factor I get from them.
I haven't tried either the Polsilvers or Silver Blues, but I've used Astra SP's, and the dark blue, black, and yellow versions of 7 O'Clocks. All except for the yellows are excellent blades for me, and are probably quite similar to the two you mentioned, since they're all made in the same plant.

You might want to give Shark Super Chromes a try. I just did three shaves with one, and it impressed me. Very sharp and smooth. In fact, it felt quite a bit similar to the 7 O'Clock black I used the week before. It probably doesn't have the longevity of the black, but the price makes up for that. WCS has Shark SC's for $16.00/100 the last time I checked.
In my book, Sharks (or any Lord variety) and Astra's are in a COMPLETELY different class of blade than the GSB's and SI's.

Both the GSB and SI are excellent top-tier blades and if your face can handle them, the price might be irrelevant.
In my book, Sharks (or any Lord variety) and Astra's are in a COMPLETELY different class of blade than the GSB's and SI's.

Agreed. For me, any Shark drops cleanly into "Dorco 301" category - unusable, rough and dull. YMMV, but I don't see how they can be compared to GSB's in any way.

Both the GSB and SI are excellent top-tier blades and if your face can handle them, the price might be irrelevant.

Definitely. And they're smooth. If one wants to have a cheap, well performing blade with some of the similar characteristics, it wouldn't be too far to state that Personna Labs are very nice shavers. Not quite as good, but they won't kill your face and they're still sharp. Their availability is good, as well.

I shave occasionally with Astra SP's as well. For me, they're all about smoothness, although they lack a bit in sharpness when compared to Feathers, GSB's and other very top tier blades.
I've tried the Personna, thought these were a notch above though.

There are 2 Gillette Blacks, I have to figure out which one of the 2 I've tried even.

There is one Gillette 7 O'Clock Super Platinum Black which is made in India. There are two 7 O'Clock Blues one made in Russia and one made in the Czech Republic. There is a vendor that sells 105 Gillette 7 O'Clock Super Platinum Black for $22/105 blades shipped, which is a steal IMHO. A few months ago they were considerably more expensive. Polsilvers, Gillette Silver Blues, 7 O'Clock Super Platinum Black are all in the same ball park as far as cost. Considering they are top notch blades $22 for a years worth of blades is quite reasonable.
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I only know of one type of Ladas, but there are a couple of different Rapira blades (same company for all of them)-Super Stainless Steel and Platinum Lux are the two I know, and I think there is a Swedish Stainless as well (haven't had the chance to try any of the Rapiras).

Are there a few types of Ladas? If I remember correctly I tried one and did not quite like it much at all....
Voshkods are smooth, but I guess once you try better it's just tough to go back.
In my book, Sharks (or any Lord variety) and Astra's are in a COMPLETELY different class of blade than the GSB's and SI's.

Both the GSB and SI are excellent top-tier blades and if your face can handle them, the price might be irrelevant.

Hey, I'm just reporting my findings. Who cares about "top-tier" status if a blade works for you? No harm in making a suggestion, right?
Agreed. For me, any Shark drops cleanly into "Dorco 301" category - unusable, rough and dull. YMMV, but I don't see how they can be compared to GSB's in any way.

You could have stopped at "YMMV". Some people might find them on a par with GSB's, others such as yourself clearly do not. For the record, I was comparing the Shark with a 7OC black, I had clearly stated that I had no experience with a GSB. No need to discourage people from trying a blade just because it didn't work for you.
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