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Gillette seven o'clock yellow

Using these for the first time and I'm on about shave eight with the same blade and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight? Do these blades seem to last longer for anyone else? The astras, feathers, Derbys, and sharks I have been using last four or so shaves and not much more than that.

Hi Penn, I use Feathers and 7 Oclock Yellows.

For me I get 3 shaves out of the yellows and 4 out of the feathers before they start tugging.

I shave every second night and have quick a coarse growth.
I lose count after 6 shaves as that is the last number in my system. When a blade gets past 6 shaves it sits on the same number (6) so I suppose some blades go 8 or 10 shaves before I toss them.
I know I can safely get three shaves out of most blades before I change out; usually I swap because it's not worth the aftermath when I try to push a blade one shave too far. With Gillette Yellows I can go at least 4 or 5 shaves with no worries. They definitely last for me as well.

Happy shaving
The yellows are my favorite blades together with the Rapira Swedish Supersteel, sharp, smooth and long lasting, but since the yellows are cheaper than the Rapira they are my favorite, I bought 50 of them first, then I bought 400... :thumbup:

I cannot see the point to pay nearly twice as much for the Feathers?!
I just ordered 100 of the yellows after being PIF'd one to try. They work amazingly well in my 1921 New Standard. I'll have to see if they match up with any of my other razors as well. I really can't seen to get more than 3 shaves from any blade I have tried tho, but even with the "expensive" ones only costing me like 30 cents max a blade, I don't stress on it. As was stated, not worth the aftermath of trying to push a blade just to save what... 10 cents on a shave?
Hate to spoil the party-mood, but I tried them last week and they didn't work for me at all: blunt and ditched after two shaves. I have now gone to the green 7 o'clock for a testrun, and they are just marginally better on my face. I guess those Gillettes are just not made for me. But I'm glad they work so fine for you gentlemen.
I get 7 excellent shaves per blade from Yellows, as I also do from Perma-sharp Supers (made in the same Russian plant) and (Indian) Blacks. Yellows and Perms (which I purchased in bulk for cheap, 16-17 cents per blade, a few months ago; the prices have since increased) are my main blades. For me they perform more or less as well as the much-praised but no longer manufactured Super Iridiums (which in recent years were also made in the same Russian plant).
I just changed out a Yellow that gave me at least 6 good shaves--it was still reasonably comfortable, but beginning to leave a bit too much stubble on the first pass. I hadn't shaved in two days and should have changed the old blade before I started. Pretty amazing durability for a reasonably priced blade!
Would love to try this blade after reading so much.

Please PM me.


I just ordered 100 of the yellows after being PIF'd one to try. They work amazingly well in my 1921 New Standard. I'll have to see if they match up with any of my other razors as well. I really can't seen to get more than 3 shaves from any blade I have tried tho, but even with the "expensive" ones only costing me like 30 cents max a blade, I don't stress on it. As was stated, not worth the aftermath of trying to push a blade just to save what... 10 cents on a shave?
I've used a yellow in my Progress and have gotten 7 shaves out of it, simply a great blade for my Progress. I have been using some Medical Preps but this 7 oclock yellow may just replace it!
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