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Gillette Rubie

Hi, has anyone used these blades? Are they good?

They are not in my "perfect" list, as their sharpness combined with a bit not so flexible blade, is making them a tiny bit too rough for me. But they do have a good combination of sharpness/grind angle, giving a very comfortable shave. The cut is also clean and comfortable, definitely worth trying.
Sputnik Super Platinum might be a better value since they are cheaper, and I found those to be a little smoother than Rubie starting out.
Another PPI product that performs in the same range as most of the blades from that plant. I've said before and worth repeating, I find it impossible to believe that the very many branded blades coming out of that one factory are all different. There've got to be some duplicates going out with different packaging. At least that 's way it seems to me with so many brands coming out of the same plant. Maybe the Rubie is the same as the
Another PPI product that performs in the same range as most of the blades from that plant. I've said before and worth repeating, I find it impossible to believe that the very many branded blades coming out of that one factory are all different. There've got to be some duplicates going out with different packaging. At least that 's way it seems to me with so many brands coming out of the same plant. Maybe the Rubie is the same as the

I have the same opinion. I've used these blades and Dorcos for almost five years . The only difference between these blades and any other from the same plant is different wrappings.
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