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Gillette Psycho Razor listing on Craigslist

There was 1 key for all the razors to prevent convict to put their hands on one, that's why most Psycho doesn't have a key. In most case, the key was made by an artisan, usually it cost about 30-50$ for the key alone.
100.00 is a common price for these razors.
There was 1 key for all the razors to prevent convict to put their hands on one, that's why most Psycho doesn't have a key. In most case, the key was made by an artisan, usually it cost about 30-50$ for the key alone.
100.00 is a common price for these razors.

Yeah, I don't doubt that it is a fair price... I'm just not willing to part with the $100!
What is 100$ for an uncommon razor ? : / Some folks are ready to spend 200$ on Feather stainless, which aren't rare or vintage, nothing else but a Japanese Tech made of stainless (No offence to the potential owner, a simple comparison here). Personally I wouldn't spend 100$ on a Psycho, I'd rather purchase 2 fatboy XD
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That's pretty cool. It looks a lot better than what is issued in the local jails in my area. I worked in a county jail prior to getting my current position and we issued razors like these to our inmates:

The blade in them was made of a high carbon steel and was super brittle so it would break if tampered with. Despite this, I did see the effects if the razor was removed and used against another inmate.

I wasn't shaving adventurous at the time so I didn't try one. Although I'm sure I would prefer the psycho razor.
$100 is way too steep for me, but I thought this was kind of an interesting post on craigslist for a prison issue Gillette DE: http://cincinnati.craigslist.org/clt/3410162621.html

Makes sense that prisons would need a DE razor that required a key to remove the blade, but I had not thought about it I guess.

As you can see from my signature, this razor is high on my WTB list. I wonder if its still available? I will send him an email and see what happens.

Thanks for posting this link.
Cool razor and a really neat piece of history, but IMO one of Gillette's poorer shavers. That being said, I won't willingly part with mine anytime soon, they're just way too neat.
That's an interesting piece of history, as an officer. Razor blades getting into the hands of an inmate is one of the worse things we deal with. A co-worker was just telling me about a razor blade melted into a toothbrush as the worse weapon he'd come across. Wish something like this was still in use.
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