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gillette president and gem clogproof

well thats the gillette president arrived today, only 1 week to get from the usa to uk, it has a gem clogproof with it, both razors are in need of some heavy cleaning, these are some of the ebay pics, i may do a step by step clean up for the uk based guys with the products i use to clean up razors, i am hoping the president at least comes up to a good user grade razor, i have been after one of these for a while now. $gem clog.jpg
A little elbow grease and they'll shine up nice.
yep i am hoping, i was not able to post the other pics, they look really grungy in the pics, but are not to bad in the flesh, i have seen and got worse, underneath the razor is so full of crud i can not make out the date code on the president.
My 1953 (Y2) Gillette President is my favorite overall shaver.... based on looks and performance both.

yep they look the part. i have been after one for a while,newish ones command scary prices,even good user grade ones i was getting heavy outbid, this one was a bin on ebay at just the right price, i was a bit out of order as it was us only on the listing, but the guy was ok with sending it to uk, at the bin price i had to chance it, i have missed out on too many of these to not chance my arm.
"The unclean President" ah, the possibilities...

I love that family line of razors. Fat Handle Tech > Regent Tech TTO > Aristocrat TTO > Anglo-American Aristocrat OC TTO > No 58 > President > Diplomat > TV Special SS > Blue Tip SS > Lady Gillette > Fatboy Family Incl Executive / Toggle / Red Dot > Black Handle SS > Super Adjustable all with the same basic knurling plan (excepting the knobs on the SS / Lady Gillettes).
"The unclean President" ah, the possibilities...

I love that family line of razors. Fat Handle Tech > Regent Tech TTO > Aristocrat TTO > Anglo-American Aristocrat OC TTO > No 58 > President > Diplomat > TV Special SS > Blue Tip SS > Lady Gillette > Fatboy Family Incl Executive / Toggle / Red Dot > Black Handle SS > Super Adjustable all with the same basic knurling plan (excepting the knobs on the SS / Lady Gillettes).

Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, anyone?:lol:
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