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Gillette Fusion Pro Glide


Commercials...the product...the pricing and displays in store...the ignorant kids scrambling to get their free sample and rave about the results (not knowing any better).

Hey...it has a blue light on it, it MUST be better! :001_rolle
Never seen it. The joy of time delaying TV. What is irritating about it?


its just dumb. the sound bite for it is "turn shaving into gliding". which is just about the dumbest thing i've ever heard. it ranks right up there with "i'm pretty sure we should let BP drill in the ocean."
Never seen it. The joy of time delaying TV. What is irritating about it?


The guy yells "Woo" while people are trying to shave, causing them to jump with their hand (and yet no blood curiously)

and then the guy makes people talk while shaving. He also shows how shaving can cause "irritating pull and drag" on an Iphone.

What most bugs me, is that they are essentially confiding defeat to earlier technologies. They say that their product is better now because it glides, and the blades are thinner. Which is the exact same result one gets from straight razor shaving, you can thin the blade yourself. If one didn't need that, then there was always the less expensive, DE's to go with.

It's taken the worst of all technologies and blended them. Now its sharp like a straight, fixed like a DE, and expensive like a cartridge.

I'm almost tempted to grow back the beard and handlebar mustache.
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Most marketing campaigns speak to improvements and it's a successful strategy. That's why many commercials stress superior capabilities over their predecessor that even though earlier products were fine. What motivation would there be to buy the new product if it didn't offer a superior value proposition? Whether it's true or not is another question.
I myself can't wait to spend $32 on 8 replacement cartridges. :glare:

They must be 30 x's better than my DE's, since they cost 30 x's more! :w00t:

(10 Wal-Mart DE = $1.78 :thumbup1: > 8 Proglide Cartridges = $32.99 :thumbdown)
GQ magazine this month had a six page advertisement (disguised as an article on "The History of Shaving" which only covered Gillette products). I'll never buy one--I'll stick with straights and DEs. Then I won't need to take out a second mortgage to buy the damn cartridges!
They do their job. Aren't all commercials annoying to some point? Some are quite funny, though. Like the one where the dog smiles and has dentures and the other where the dog is doing Yoga with the hot lady. (Sorry, went off a bit)...

I tried this device, because they sent it to me. I loved it at first and it felt great on the face. However, a little bit later the device had left me with horrendous razor rash and irritation that took days to recover.
I myself can't wait to spend $32 on 8 replacement cartridges. :glare:

They must be 30 x's better than my DE's, since they cost 30 x's more! :w00t:

(10 Wal-Mart DE = $1.78 :thumbup1: > 8 Proglide Cartridges = $32.99 :thumbdown)

So toss the DE and go to a straight.

Nothing wrong with a straight, is there?

Sorry guys, but the DE crowd that yells about change doesn't have a leg to stand on because there was no need to change from straights, was there?
So toss the DE and go to a straight.

Nothing wrong with a straight, is there?

Sorry guys, but the DE crowd that yells about change doesn't have a leg to stand on because there was no need to change from straights, was there?

Nothing wrong with straights, just not interested...yet. :tongue_sm
Apparently they do turn shaving into gliding, because they can't cut through my beard. The barber at the AoS store I went to to test this thing out was agog. They couldn't shave the top of my neck/jawline area. It would just catch in my whiskers and stop dead.
Gillette got me curious enough to waste my money on the Fusion. This time, I know better.

Actually, there are so many interesting creams, DE blades, and safety razors I'm eyeing, I'm not even interested in that slightly upgraded piece of junk. It's just a Fusion with a slicker lube strip. :thumbdown
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